Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Reflecting More on My Writing Experiences

This is the blog post where I will just be further reflecting on how I've grown as a writer or maybe how I haven't over the course of the semester.

1. What were the biggest challenges you faced this semester, overall?
          My biggest challenge I think was time management.  I know that we (as a class) constantly complained about the immense amount of time that we each spent on the blogging and on the projects and the editing.  It was really hard to adjust to and I realized that the hardest part of all of this work was trying to find the best way to approach doing all of this including the other work that our other classes required. It was really hard to figure out a good schedule, however by the second month I think I finally figured out that the best way to get all of this work done while having time to breathe and to also get the loads and loads of homework and studying done for my other classes.  It was really hard to get used to the workload of this class, but once I figured that out, it really wasn't as much of a problem.
      The only other challenge that I faced this semester was finding the motivation to actually do these projects.  I knew that I was motivated to do well on these for the good grade, but I wanted to be able to get something out of the project since it had to do with my majors.  So the first project was a bit tricky and by the third project I had finally found things that I knew I would enjoy writing about.  And I definitely think that it showed in my work and the amount of work that I put into each of the projects as my motivation increased as the semester progressed.

2. What did you learn this semester about your own time management, writing and editorial skills?
        As I said in the question above, I really learned about the amount of work that I have isn't going to change much over the years, and that is how real life is, so learning how to manage my time was really helpful in this class.  I think that learning the right amount of time that I needed to save for each class took a lot of time to figure out but once I sort of perfected it, I think that I became much more successful.  My writing skills I think have improved a little bit.  I definitely don't feel 100% confident with my writing now, however, I definitely think that I have found what I can and cannot do well.  So, I know that when I find a topic that really interests me, I am able to write much more clear and better on that specific topic.  However, in the first project, I was not entirely confident in my writing or what I was writing on.  My editorial skills have improved though.  Now I know what is and is not appropriate in certain genres and what does and does not sound good in certain types of writing.

3. What do you know about the concept of 'genre'? Explain how understanding this concept is central to being a more effective writer.
       I now much better understand the concept of "genre". When I first started this class, I really didn't know that genre could come in all different forms of writing.  I really just thought that there were genres as in types of books like horror genre or the nonfiction genre but I didn't know that an essay or a podcast counted as different types of genres as well.  It really opened my eyes to the importance of understanding the ins and outs of each genre so that I can most effectively write for this specific genre and get the information needed out to the audience in a clear and effective way.

4. What skills from this course might you use and/or develop further in the next few years of college coursework?
      As I said earlier, I definitely think that this course work will help me understand the importance of time management as my college years go by as well as in my life after college.  Everything will always be busy and I am just going to have to really get used to organizing time for everything that needs to have time spent on it.  I also think that it proved that I have the dedication and the motivation to get projects done in all different kinds of genres.  Since we live in a technology generation, I know that I am going to need to spend time working on different genres in the technological genres.  Like I am going to need to probably make a lot of informative videos and learn to communicate really well in all different kinds of ways and I think that this course work has really helped prepare me for that.

5. What was your most effective moment from this semester in 109H?
       I think my most effective moment from this semester was the moment that I finished my third project.  I had put so much effort and time into that project, so finishing it really made me feel so good and accomplished.  I think that that was the most definitive moment of how much work I had put into this semester and all of the work and time that I spent on these projects and blogs.

6. What was your least effective moment from this semester in 109H?
        I think that my least effective moment from this semester was when I was trying to figure out what to talk about in my interviews for the second project.  I really didn't understand the project well enough to know what to ask so I struggled a lot with my first interview since I had scheduled it so early on and we hadn't really discussed much at that time.  It was kind of a mess, but I got over it...eventually.

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