Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review 11a

This is a blog post about the peer review that I did for Emily's QRG.

Here you can find the comments that I left on her post!

    For Emily's rough cut, I chose to implement the form activity.  I think that since she is using a QRG as her third genre for project 3, it was important to tell her all of the information that I learned from doing a QRG as my first project so that she can in turn, be more successful.  I helped her realize the importance of including a lot more sources and hyperlinks so that the audience knows that she is a credible resource of information. Without the necessary sources, the QRG would not be a QRG, it would be more of a regular essay with her opinion on a certain topic that she may or may not know a lot about.
    I made sure to include the #4 Use of Evidence section form page 72 of the Student's Guide.  As I said above, an important part of the QRG is to include the sources and hyperlinks to those sources so that the evidence is clearly credible.
     One thing that I really enjoyed about Emily's work though was that she really made her voice strong and clear so that the audience could easily tell what she was thinking and why she thought it.  I also think that her topic on Let's Move! is a very interesting topic.  I'm excited to see what the finished product looks like.

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