Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Reflection on the Post-Production Week (MAKING THE FINAL CUT)

Here is where I am going to rant about how much time and effort I put into this project and where I am going to most definitely toot my own horn because I am damn proud of this video essay.   So TOOT TOOT TOOOT TOOT TOOOOOT.

1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
Let me just say that having so little success with the rough cut allowed me to make this week full of successes. Not only did I finish this video essay, but I perfected it and made sure that everything was as great as possible. I re-wrote the script multiple times until I thought that I really had a good organization of the information that could be presented to the audience that I made it for. Once I got into the groove, everything seemed to go right. I found all the right pictures (which by the way was hard hard HARD work). I made sure that each picture matched up with what I was saying. I made sure that my voice was clear and that I spoke slowly enough. It was kinda fun to make all this once I started getting my mojo. It's amazing how much more efficient I am with my work when I actually enjoy what I am doing. 
2. What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
Starting to deal with all of the things that just went to crap during last week and the week before, I found it very difficult to even know where to begin. However, I know that I got through it with grace and a sense of maturity. Yes, I ate a pint of ice cream while doing it, but I enjoyed every second (of both the ice cream and the making of the video). Other than just some small computer glitches and the actual starting of the real project, I found that this was a pretty successful project.  

3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
Next week will be a breeze since I have finished the project that I am so so proud of. However I will be starting the next project in this class, as well as taking two very important Physiology tests. I think that if I put as much effort and dedication into this following week as I did for this week with this project, I will be extremely successful (Toot toot).

4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
I LOVE THIS PROJECT SO MUCH. I went home this weekend and showed my neighbors and my family because I was so proud of it and I wanted them to learn about the topic that I chose. Watching them all watch it and then having a nice discussion about it afterwards really made me feel good about myself. I never thought that I could enjoy a writing project, but the time has come finally, and I think that this is the project that made me a decent writer. I have finally followed through with the title of my blog.

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