Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Peer Review for Bianca Aguilar

This is where I will edit (locally) Bianca's Video Essay on "Voluntourism".  This is the revised section of the meaning behind the word voluntourism for her project.

What I told her was that she had a lot of good content and a lot of evidence that provides a good amount of support for her claims that social media can be both good and bad for volunteer trips.  However I made sure to let her know that it might be helpful to include more about the "bad" uses of social media because it was mainly focused on the beneficial parts.  I just thought that it would be an important part to include because in class we talked about the importance of providing a counterargument.  I made a recommendation about re-design because I thought that it would be important to include some sort of background music to fill in the silent spaces during the pauses/breaks she takes in between topics.  I think that it is a vital part of the video essay genre and it would help her video essay tremendously.
     I also mentioned that in the Student's Guide on page 72, the sources bullet point, was used in her video very nicely.  I said that she made her sources reliable (since they were her own experiences being on a volunteer trip that was NOT considered voluntourism).  I think that the credibility of her sources really helped her out a lot with this video.
     I really liked that aspect of her video.  The fact that she could very easily explain what it was like to be on a volunteer trip without the negative effects of social media was inspiring and it made the video super cool to watch and learn about.

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