Sunday, April 3, 2016

Reflection on my Video Essay for Project 3

In this blog post, I will be reflecting on my week spent doing the pre-production process for this third project.

1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
Some of the things that went well during this week's process work, not that there was a lot that actually went right, but I did finally figure out what I wanted to do as my argument. It took me until Thursday of this past week to finally decide on something that actually made me mad and I was really passionate about. Since I didn't want to do something that I was not completely passionate about, and it was more about just a public argument that everyone likes to discuss on a regular basis. After realizing that something that I am really passionate about is kids, I thought about all of the things that made me really angry when I was babysitting or when I was working at the daycare. So, it was nice to finally research the actual negative side effects to spending so much time in front of a screen for such young people whose brains are developing. 2. What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
A lot of things were challenging this week. Not only did it take an extremely long time to get an idea of what to do for the argument, but it took an extremely long time to do all of these blog posts. None of them were easy, and none of them seemed to be that helpful, so doing them did not go by fast. It was also very hard to find time to get all of these blog posts done because I have had so many exams this week that I was focusing on those instead of on these blog posts. It was also very hard to decide how I was going to set up my video essay. I did not know exactly how to start the video essay and then I didn't know how to organize the three body paragraphs. 3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
I think that just like this week, the next week will be just as hard, if not harder because I have to actually create all of this stuff that I just spent countless hours on. I think that figuring out how to work iMovie again, after a few years will be a bit challenging. Also, I have to write a script and find the right images and clips and videos to incorporate in this video. 4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
I think that the basis of this project is very interesting and I am very excited to actually get to the argumentative part of the project. However, I think that the set up and planning of this project is unnecessarily long and a waste of time. I know what I want to do and how I want to do it now, but I didn't need to write for so long about what I was going to in a blog post. I think that I would have been more productive with my time preparing for this project by using my time doing what I want to prepare for this project instead of blogging about what I was going to do. I think that it was unnecessary for me to write out my schedule and when I could have easily figured that out on my own and then I would not have had to waste the time in excel making a table with my schedule all laid out.

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