Sunday, April 3, 2016

Content Outline

In this blog post, I will be outlining my whole project from beginning to middle to end.

Opening Section:
Main Idea: Describe the argument, the solutions, and the bad arguments (the one that says that screen time does not need to be limited). And then briefly describe the opposing side of the argument (the one that I am on) and why it is important that screen time should be limited for kids, especially those that are toddlers and younger or in preschool.
How to grab the reader's attention: Add large, colorful captions, and intriguing music, and bring up the irony of this project and my argument that I am opposing.  Add pictures, memes, something that the parents can relate to.

Main Body Paragraph 1:
Main Idea:Explaining why the screen time is such a big issue and relate this to what the parents do to allow the kids to spend so much time on their devices.
Evidence: Bring up interviews of the parents that have experienced their kids spending too much time on their devices.  Also use interviews of the daycare/ babysitters who have experienced the kids depending so much on their screens.
Summary of Evidence: Explain the things that I had experienced the parents doing by putting the children in front of a screen when they want to keep them occupied.  The other summary of the interviews done by the babysitters, could be from the actual daycare watchers themselves.
Importance: It is important to explain the opinions of the people that actually watch the kids for a living because otherwise, it would just be based off of someone's random opinion who may not have any experience with children wanting to be around the screens.

Main Body Paragraph 2:
Main Idea: Negative side effects of screen time affecting such little kids.
Evidence: Show the scientific side effects that scientists have studied and have proven over the years.  Can also show statistics on how kids' brains are affected.
Summary of Evidence: This evidence is going to be found from the sites that are on the research report with the 10 different videos/podcasts.  They should include reliable sources and people that have a knowledge of screen time affecting the body in negative ways.
Importance: Without the logos in this video, I don't see how the video would seem reliable at all.  There needs to be evidence to back up the things that I am saying.  Without the cited sources and the reliable people with a good amount of knowledge, I would not have a good video that parents would want to watch and that they would trust.

Main Body Paragraph 3:
Main Idea: Explanation of why the argument that people say screen time isn't bad for kids is wrong.
Evidence: Use some clips of videos from parents that say that screen time doesn't need to be limited.  Also use some clips or some article/podcast that shows that screen time is proven to not hurt your kids.
Summary of Evidence:This will show the reason why I so strongly oppose this idea.  There will be clips from real parents that have experienced times when their kids have been surrounded by technology and screens for long periods of times and there haven't been any bad side effects.  There will also be a need to use podcasts so that there is actual proof that someone has seen the evidence of screens on kids.
Importance: Without these pieces of evidence, there would be no way of knowing why I oppose the usage of screen time so strongly.  These opinions will have not many strong statistics so their argument will be invalid.  I need to show why their opposing argument is so bad and makes my argument that much stronger.

Closing Section:
Main Idea: 
Larger Significance: Some ideas about ending this video is that the future is going to be filled with even more technological devices and there will be so many opportunities for children to be in front of screens, but they need to learn about how to limit their amount of time used in front of screens.  Additionally, there need to be limits, so I would reiterate the negative side effects of such a large amount of screen time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah!

    I really like your content outline so far and I think you have a good idea on your hands! I just wanted to comment to make a few suggestions to help make your production phase easier!

    I think that your level of detail and development is really good so far and I like the different points that you are going to use. I was maybe thinking that something that would make your video really good is maybe interview people that you see letting their child use a phone or tablet or what not, and ask them why they let their kid do that and if they think it will have any negative side effects!

    I think that what you already have down is really good and it fits the requirements of this project. I was wondering if you will be presenting the pro's to screen time at all (even briefly) or if you are only going to talk about how it has negative side effects on the children.

    When reading through your outline, I couldn't find any links to resources. I'm not sure if you just chose not to include them because they are in your research blog, or if you were still looking for the information. Just make sure that your sources are credible and I think it would be very useful to incorporate professional studies and statistics on the matter to help convince your audience!
