Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

Here ya go peers... my rough cut that I submitted last week.  Just remember that it is VERY rough.  I am currently working out all the kinks and adding a LOT more to the video... so keep that in mind :)

Rough Cut

Audience Question: What are you anticipating the post-production process to be like, based on what you accomplished during the production phase?
I expect the post-production phase to be a lot of work, since I did not really have the time to get much done in the actual production phase. I know what I need to do and I know how I plan on doing it, it is just the actually doing it part that will be the most time consuming. So, I understand if there are a lot of comments about fixing a lot of different things.

Things I'd Like Y'all to know/watch out for:
- this is a very rough cut
-I plan on fixing the pictures and re-doing the voiceover
-let me know if the statistics make sense
-If you know how to put a segment of a youtube video in iMovie that'd be great
- If something is confusing in the beginning, or I didn't explain something right, please let me know
- I have a lot more info and stats and studies to back up my claims for a good solution to this problem, so keep that in mind
- If you can think of other visuals that would make this more appealing to you as a viewer, that'd be great as well


  1. Overall I think this is a great start. I think it needs some more development of ideas presented because it seemed a little rushed. However, I think it is a cool topic and I really liked the imagery that you put in the video. In my opinion that really helped the explanation of the topic as well as helped me understand this is an important issue. The graphics were a good idea and the statistics shown on screen were really effective. Overall I think you used the video genre effectively but I still think that you need more explanation of your topic as well as more of everything else; which you said you have. Once you add it in I think you will be well on your way to having a very successful project.

  2. I really love where you're going with this. I think the actual content of your video is wonderful, but I have a few thoughts about the presentation. This is all just opinion-based, so you can do with it what you want.
    First, I think the statistics you present are good and can be impactful, but you kinda skip through them really quickly. The images on the screen zoom by faster than they can be processed. If you wanted to focus the audience's attention on the statistics a little more, maybe keep them on the screen for a longer period of time. Or another idea is to have some more of the words you're saying show up on the screen so we can kinda follow along. This would make it more like a video about what you're saying, instead of being like a podcast with pictures. The pictures you chose are adorable though.
    Those are just thoughts though, and you're seriously doing a fabulous job:)

    Ummm you asked if anyone knew how to put youtube videos on iMovie, and while I don't exactly know how iMovie works because I've never really used it before, I do know of a website for downloading MP4 files of youtube videos that I found a couple weeks ago. It's
    You can download it in other formats too, but MP4 is most common, I feel like. You just copy and paste the URL of the youtube video and the rest is pretty straightforward. Not sure if that's what you were looking for or not, but hopefully that helps!:)
