Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Editorial Report 12b

In this section, I will be editing with global revisions, taking into account the peer reviews from production week.  There will be a link where you can compare the rough cut to the recently edited draft of this video essay.

1. How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?
  I think the content changed a lot with my new edits. I made sure to make the main paragraphs ( the main section) flow much better and make sure that the audience was able to interact more and feel connected to the video. I changed the opening section to relate more to the actual public argument. I got some comments on my opening not relating well to the rest of my video, so I took those into account and completely re-did the beginning because I realized that if the beginning is not good, then the audience won't want to spend their time watching the rest of the video. I also changed the pictures of the video so that they weren't so repetitive and matched better with what I was saying in the audio section.

2. How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?
The only thing that I didn't change was the fact that my face is not showing in this video. I did not feel comfortable showing my face in this video and I didn't think that it was necessary in order to prove my point. I have pictures and statistics and my voiceover in the background which I fully believe will help to get my point across. I think that overall my form stayed the same, I just am really making sure that my voice is extra strong and that I do not sound monotone over the microphone. I also know that I am reading from a script, but I do not want the video to sound too scripted and memorized. I want it to flow and be enjoyable as well as interesting for the audience.

Rough Cut: here

Re-Edited Version: here (start at 0:52-1:48)

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