Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report B

This is the blog post that will analyze the rough cut of the "first body paragraph" if you will of the project.


Main Body Paragraph 1:
Main Idea:Explaining why the screen time is such a big issue and relate this to what the parents do to allow the kids to spend so much time on their devices.
Evidence: Bring up interviews of the parents that have experienced their kids spending too much time on their devices.  Also use interviews of the daycare/ babysitters who have experienced the kids depending so much on their screens.
Summary of Evidence: Explain the things that I had experienced the parents doing by putting the children in front of a screen when they want to keep them occupied.  The other summary of the interviews done by the babysitters, could be from the actual daycare watchers themselves.
Importance: It is important to explain the opinions of the people that actually watch the kids for a living because otherwise, it would just be based off of someone's random opinion who may not have any experience with children wanting to be around the screens.

1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? 
I think that the form that I used to present my content in the raw material was chosen well because it allowed me to present my argument in a way that was the most persuasive and kept the audience intrigued for the long amounts of time that was needed to get my point completely across to them.

2. How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
I think that the conventions of my genre, the video essay influenced my choices because I wanted to be able to show videos and pictures of the effects of the screen time on children. Without the use of the videos and the pictures, and my voice, I think that the point would not have been proven as well that technology and screen use is bad for kids that are younger than 3 years old.

3. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
      I think that the production went really well of the raw material.  I think that it could have gone better if I wasn't so stressed out. But I think that had I not really known how to work iMovie, I would have struggled a lot more.  The most challenging part was deciding which points I wanted to discuss first.  I think that next week will definitely be much more efficient.  I did however have an epiphany because I remembered that videos could actually be uploaded straight onto the blogger website.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!!

    So I watched the clip you posted to youtube and I have some content suggestions.

    You do a wonderful job of proving the credibility if your argument by citing statistics and interviews. However, I don't quite know what your focus is. Are you trying to have an evaluative argument about why screen time for children is a bad idea or is it a proposal argument where you are defending a proposal for a solution to the problem? I'm sure it will become clear as you add more to the video essay, but it might benefit the audience if you were a little more explicit in your intro.

    Also, your into focuses on the creativity of the generations who did not grow up on technology. However, you do not evaluate the creativity of the kids who grow up on screens. Your intro seems to focus on a different quality than your first argument about attention disorders.

