Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14b

In this blog post, I will be sharing my standard college essay, but specifically the second body paragraph.  Feel free to comment and edit away!

Here is where you can find that second body paragraph on how my writing strategies have changed over the semester.

Body Paragraph 2:
  • Discuss the different ways that I changed as a writer since the beginning of the semester
  • "Heavy editor"
  • Became an "edit while I work" kinda writer
  • What I have done to change my ways
  • Differences between the 3 projects and how those worked for me
    • the importance of showing my progression of my writing throughout the semester and how it has affected my writing overall
  • What I have changed in my writing over the semester
    • the importance of showing how I have changed my strategies of approaching the writing when I am assigned the different projects.
  • The importance of including this paragraph is that the difference in how I approached my writing projects and why it is so important to have been able to change the way that I write so that I can become a more confident writer and edit as I go instead of editing after the whole essay is written.
1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
Once again, just like the last blog post, I thought that the standard college essay really allowed me to organize my thoughts really well. I definitely liked that I was able to use the standard college essay format to figure this final project out because it allowed me to separate my ideas out in paragraph form. It is much easier and will be much easier to explain how I have grown and what this course has done to change me as both a person and a writer.  

2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

The production of this raw material was not terrible to create. There weren't any technological challenges with this project since I wasn't using GarageBand or Excel or iMovie. I know how to work Word and Google Docs so I think that that aspect was really easy. The main problems that I am going to face now is that I need to expand on my ideas more and not just summarize. I need to use good examples and find the time to finish this as well as find time to study for my finals and complete other last projects that have been assigned to me.


  1. Hi Sarah,

    I think that your essay is off to a great start. I really enjoyed the humor the you included throughout the essay. It kept me engaged and left me smiling. The only suggestion I really have is to maybe split up your second paragraph into two paragraphs so that it isn't one long paragraph and maybe go into more depth about why project one left you in tears. Otherwise great job!

  2. Great essay overall! I would definitely aim for giving as much detail as you can as this is what readers are interested in. It will also form a stronger essay as a result. But apart from that I think you are on track and ready to submit your essay with a few final touches. Great work!
