Sunday, May 1, 2016

Content Outline

This is how I am going to approach doing my project!

  • Discuss the three things that I am going to be discussing in my course final and the three things that I have learned in this class
    • time management
    • how I have changed as a writer
    • importance of finding a topic that I am actually interested in
  • How I struggled with my writing strategies
    • important because it will show how I have grown over the semester
  • Why I had the time management issues because of my different classes that are so hard
    • will explain the reasons behind my choice to take less credits for the hard classes
  • The importance of including this section is that it will explain the reasons why I have grown over the course of this semester and why it was so great that I was able to learn so much over this semester.
  • start off with how much I originally was a complete mess at the beginning of the semester and how much I have grown over the past 4 months.
Body Paragraph 1

  • Discuss the reasons why I struggled with time management and the things that I did to help myself become more organized
  • Discuss my plans for changing my organizational skills
  • How it will help me in the future
  • Hard classes that I was taking with this English class
    • shows how my expecations were completely wrong for the class overall
  • Thought that English wouldn't take as much time
    • completely underestimated the amount of time that it would take to get all of the necessary work done for these projects.
  • The importance of this paragraph is that it showed me that I will always have a lot of things to do but it is the amount of time that I spend figuring out how much I should spend on each thing and learning how to prioritize my time that was what was an important outcome of this class.
Body Paragraph 2:
  • Discuss the different ways that I changed as a writer since the beginning of the semester
  • "Heavy editor"
  • Became an "edit while I work" kinda writer
  • What I have done to change my ways
  • Differences between the 3 projects and how those worked for me
    • the importance of showing my progression of my writing throughout the semester and how it has affected my writing overall
  • What I have changed in my writing over the semester
    • the importance of showing how I have changed my strategies of approaching the writing when I am assigned the different projects.
  • The importance of including this paragraph is that the difference in how I approached my writing projects and why it is so important to have been able to change the way that I write so that I can become a more confident writer and edit as I go instead of editing after the whole essay is written.
Body Paragraph 3
  • Discuss the different ways that I have discovered what kind of things interest me and why that has improved the ways that I have become a bit of a better writer.
  • Describe my change in major and the importance of that in my interest of writing
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Public Health
  • How I have grown as a writer because of my major change
  • Discuss what it was like to be Undecided for a while and trying to write the papers without having any interest in these subjects
    • what made me change my major finally
  • How I didn't know what to do for the 2nd project because I wasn't expecting it
    • the second project really opened my eyes to the fields of OT and public health
This paragraph is important because without talking about the differing writing changes, I wouldn't be able to defend the amount of work that I have done throughout the semester.

  • Conclude with the reasons why this class has helped so much and why it is such a great experience for my future
  • Describe the biggest thing that I took away from this class
  • Why I became much more confident in my writing
    • important because it was really important for me to become more confident in my writing and how I approach these writing projects
  • How I have increased my motivations for writing
    • important because I have learned that these are the topics that are most interesting to me and make me want to write better
  • This paragraph is important because without the conclusion saying why it is so great that I have completed this course and learned so much, I will probably be able to become more successful in my writing career in the future.
  • The biggest picture of this reflection is that I have grown intellectually because of this course. It has taught me so much about myself and about my writing. I really feel much more confident about myself when I am writing a paper, which is important because I used to be really embarrassed about my writing and what I would produce. So this class has really helped me overcome that fear.

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