Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

In this blog post I'm just letting all you readers out there know how this week is going/went and what you should expect from my rough cut.

Here is where you can find the rough cut link.

Audience Question: What are you anticipating the post-production process to be like, based on what you accomplished during the production phase?

I am thinking that the post-production process will be a breeze considering that I have accomplished a lot and already have done a few drafts of my final project. It really helped that I had a lot of time this weekend to get a head start on my project because I don't know if I would have been able to find much this coming week with finals in my other classes and what not. I am definitely glad that I had only a standard college essay left as my genre, because if I had to do a video essay or a podcast at this point, I think that I'd be screwed. I am already stressed with so much going on this week, that learning how to use all the new technology and doing all the research would have been super time consuming. Luckily, when we discussed in class what the prompt was going to be on, I was able to quickly come up with ideas on what I would write about in my final paper.

What I would like all you peer reviewers out there to know is that this is more of a casual standard college essay. Since it is a reflection, and I am allowed to use "I" in the essay, I figured that it wouldn't have to seem as professional as the other projects we had. All I did was analyze the way that I have changed this year because of this class. I think that my writing style allows me to write in a way that shows my voice clearly with a sense of humor included, but also a bit of a serious side. If the essay seems to be too casual, please let me know! However, I didn't think that there was a specific way of writing this final project. Also, if my transitions are in need of some help let me know! If there is anything that really needs help or more explanation let me know, and don't be afraid to do both global and local edits. I appreciate all positive and negative feedback! Thank you!!


  1. Hey Sarah! I really enjoyed reading your essay and how far you've come along in these short 17 weeks (it almost seems unbelievably short when I quantify it like that). Here are a couple of things I noticed about your specific project:

    → Even if this is a Self-Reflection, don't forget that evidence is still really important!! You talk a lot about specific events, instances, and experiences multiple times throughout your work, but you have nothing to show for it. Cite your own blog posts and work (sounds weird, I know, and I'm sorry).

    → Your tone is actually incredibly appropriate and consistent throughout your essay. I would just recommend that you keep an eye out for your word choice because the conventions of an essay are still relatively strict (eg. 'incredibly' vs. 'super')

    → At the end of two of your body paragraphs, you talk about how grateful you are for each individual experience. They seem a little out of place though. I would suggest you creating a different paragraph for that to maintain the fluidity of your work.

    And that's pretty much all I've got for you. Good luck, we're almost done!!

  2. Hi SMosk,
    We're almost done with English 109H!
    I read your essay and I think you did a great job, your tone is the same through to whole essay and I think you did a good job of staying formal in a very casual topic. I also think it is organized well and there is really not much more you could or should do to change it!
    Well, I hope you're proud of this progress in this class as I think you're more that a "decent writer".

    - Julia Davenport
