Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection on the production of my podcast

In this blog post, I will be reflecting on the productivity of my podcast and how the production of the podcast went overall. 

1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
  Some of the things that actually went right this week (I'm still surprised that something went right in my week..it's a shocker when that happens) were that I finished my rough cut early. Since I had to midterms to worry about this week, they were all in the previous weeks, I could focus and put all of my attention on making the podcast. It seemed to have helped considering that I spent the whole week on the podcast when I may have spent only 2 days on it during a normal hectic week in the life of Sarah. I also think that the writing of the script for my podcast went pretty well. Since I had so much information to cover regarding the interviews that I had, I had the opportunity to pick and choose what I wanted to cover instead of trying to come up with more information on a tedious topic.

2. What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
Oh I could list at least 100 challenges that I had during this week's process work. The majority of these challenges occurred on the computer and had to do with technology. Let me just rant a bit. Technology is a pain in the you know what sometimes and I was soooo close to throwing my computer off the fifth floor of Arbol. (Thankfully my friend convinced me not to....shoutout to Rachel Brady for that one). So anyways back to my ranting. Garageband is way harder to work than I remember from 5th grade computer class. There are so many gadgets and buttons to press and I couldn't figure out how to just record my voice normally for at least a half an hour. Also, I could not figure out how to upload the snippet of the podcast onto blogger since it only has options to upload movies or pictures. I had to read through a bunch of EXTREMELY unhelpful websites until I came across a blog that explained that I had to make my own website that I could use as a "file cabinet" to store my .mp3 files so that I could hyperlink my blog to those pages. Anyways, that took a very long time. 
3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
Now that I finally think I understand how to get the basic stuff done in Garageband and in Blogger, I think that this next week will go just swimmingly. Considering that I put a lot of effort and work into the rough cut, I would think that the editing won't be as hard as it was for the QRG when I had less time to spend on the rough cut.  

4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
Overall, I am feeling much better about this project. Partially because the worst of the project is over. I have completed the rough draft, and now all I have to do is editing, which is something that I actually don't mind doing. Also, I think that now that I finally understand the point of this project, it isn't as hard to get done as I had originally thought.

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