Thursday, March 3, 2016

Reflection On My Planning Strategies and My Crazy, Hectic Week

In this blog post, I will be doing a reflection on my week and how I think it went overall.  As you can probably see from the title of this blog entry, I had a crazy, hectic week.   But I mean, what's new?

1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
The success was that I found some time in my week to work on the blog posts and plan the next week out well enough so that I won't feel like I am drowning in things to do as much as I have been this week. I think that the most important part of having a successful week is planning and preparation. I honestly was not well prepared for the strenuous week that I have just had to deal with. Now that I have planned out my strategies for next week, I'm feeling much more relaxed and not so weighed down with things I know I need to do. The schedule we made this week is what will keep me somewhat sane next week.

2. What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
Some of the challenges that I faced this week was finding time to actually complete the outlines and the schedule for the production week next week. I was so stressed out about my two other exams that I had this week that I couldn't find time to fit in these blog posts. But now that I have finished those exams, I finally feel like I could focus on the blogs for this week. The only issue is that I feel like I won't have much of a break in between planning and actually going into production. But once again, there is that drowning feeling that never really goes away. So I am finally getting used to it.

3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
I think that next week will go much more smoothly than this week. This will partially be because I won't have any exams next week to worry about. I can put all of my energy into this project. So that makes me feel much more confident about next week and completing the podcast production. I also think that because I have a planned schedule for my week next week, I will be able to follow that plan and make my schedule for the week based off of those plans instead of just trying to cram everything all into one crazy day. I think that next week will go well for me. At least that's what I'm hoping for.

4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
      I think that I am finally at the point in the project where I actually understand why we are doing this project.  At first, I was super confused and I did not understand the importance or the significance of this project.  However, now that I have analyzed the information that I have gathered and now that I have interviewed my two people, I finally feel like I understand why this project is so detrimental.  It is nice to know what is in store for me when I maybe go into the field of Occupational Therapy.  I now understand all of the different projects that I will need to complete, and I understand the importance of professional communication.  I think that since I understand the project, I will be able to complete this podcast well and have a great final project.  

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