Thursday, March 3, 2016

Content Outline

     In this blog post, I will be going over the ins and outs of my project for the rhetorical analysis.  I will be making a podcast so this blog entry will include everything that the podcast will include and how I am going to organize everything in order to make this podcast successfully.

Clearly state what the field of study I am interested in and who the people were that I interviewed.
(Pettygrove and Bueno, what they do, what's important about it, what are the genres they use).  Also make sure to include the purpose of this podcast- discovering the genres of the people I interviewed.

**How to grab readers' attention in opening:

  • Start with the description of public health and Occupational therapy (summary/definition)
  • Make sure that I sound super interested in what I am talking about
  • Maybe include the part of the interview with Bueno where she is discussing why she is so in love with her jobs?

Body Paragraph 1:

Main Idea: The research essays and grant proposals that Pettygrove has to do as part of her job as a professor at a big university.


  • In her interview she speaks about the tasks that she has to complete... include those instances for podcast.  Speaks about each one individually for a while in the interview (include different parts of each of those)
    • This proves that she has two main writing genres that are important to her work. She explains how she does them and why she does them.  
      • This is important because without knowing how to complete these genres, her work would not be sufficient for the job she holds as a professor.  She needs to be able to explain how she does them and why she does them.  
  • Include what she says about including her audience in her work, how she words things, edits them
    • She repeated multiple times that the audience was very important for the grant proposals because if she didn't meet the criteria for the audience then there was no point to even writing the proposal because the audience would just throw it away.  
      • This is an important aspect of any piece of writing.  Without understanding the audience, the writing would not be applicable and it would be hard to connect to.  
  • Include what her favorite things about writing are--editing
    • She commented a lot of times how she really enjoys to edit her grant proposals to get just the right amount of words that are required of her.  She thinks that it is like a mental puzzle and it is fun and enjoyable for her.
      • This is important because if doing things that are a big part of your job aren't fun to you, and you constantly dread doing your work, there is a problem.  Since she thoroughly enjoys editing her writing, it is not a burden to her to write grant proposals or research essays.  
  • What is difficult about the research essays and the grant proposals
    • She said that the editing is the hardest part of the writing process but that it is also the most fun and challenging.  She said in the interview that she enjoys to be challenged in her work.  
      • This is important to take note of for the podcast because I want to be challenged in my work too.  I don't want to be bored and dread my work load everyday. 

Body Paragraph 2:

Main Idea:   The main idea of this section will be of Yvonne Bueno and her genre of writing for her multiple jobs.  Talk about her different jobs (OT, OT at school and TMC, teacher, doctorate student) and the different writing genres that each job includes.  Mainly reports on clients and then lectures for her public health classes taught at the UofA.


  • Importance of understanding her audiences
    • Without understanding her audiences, she mentioned in her interview that it leads to confusion.  For example, when she is writing a report for her client, the parents have to be able to understand what happened during the appointment, but also the insurance has to find key words and understand in insurance terms what happened during the appointment. So there has to be a happy medium so neither of her audiences are confused.  
      • This is important for the professionalism of her job.  If her writing comes off as confusing, then she won't seem as professional and will maybe seem questionable to her patients as well as to the insurance companies. 
  • How she manages her time for writing in her careers
    • She tries to set times of the day for each writing "assignment" to complete, but it doesn't always work out.  She makes sure that each is done well and right.  However, she also says that she has a hard time finding a happy medium for finding time in the day to focus on all the different writings she could be doing. She mentioned a lot of times that there is always something that she COULD be doing, but there isn't always time in the day for all of those things. 
      • Time management is an important aspect of professional writing because without it, there would be a clear amount of disorganization and the professionalism aspect of her writing would be gone.
  • Which genre is the hardest for her to complete
    • Lecturing she said are the hardest because what she thinks comes across as important or easy to understand doesn't always come across the same way for the students.  So it takes a lot of trial and error to figure out the best way to present the information for the students to understand most and more efficiently.
      • This is important because she is learning other ways of communicating information to people who aren't as educated on a specific topic as she is.  It helps in all of her other jobs as well because it teaches her how to best present information to all different types of audiences. 

Body Paragraph 3:

Main Idea: The last bit of information in the podcast will focus on the importance of understanding the writing that is done by professionals in my field of study.


  • Pettygrove mentioned that her schooling did not prepare her for the writing that she does now so often in her job
    • She said that now she regularly goes to conventions for learning how to do certain genres of writing in her field of study.  There are seminars that she attends regularly to try to stay on top of the most accurate style of presenting her information to an audience. 
      • This is important for making sure that she is staying up to date on the writing that takes place in her profession.  It is also important so that she can keep her professional rapport with her colleagues and clients.  If she does not know how to properly organize and structure an important piece of writing, she will seem uneducated in her field of study compared to her colleagues. 
  • Bueno mentions that she was very prepared for her clinical writing in her OT practice at TMC and at the Catalina Foothills School District
    • in OT school as a BS at USC, she mentions that they did a lot of clinical practice writing and working with the patients and being able to write down exactly what she did with the patient and what that means
      • This is important because if she doesn't know how to multitask with the patient while also writing down everything so she doesn't forget to write something down on the appointment report, she will get in trouble with the insurance company.  

Closing Section:
        Reiterate the importance of understanding the audience in professional writing and the contextual parts that are necessary in each type of genre in the field of occupational therapy and public health.  Discuss why what you choose to do with your career should involve having an understanding of what types of professional writing will have to be done as part of daily life in that field of study.  Summarize what I learned and what I found to be the most interesting/ intriguing/ surprising.
       It is important to explain that the main part of this project was to:

  • explore the different genres of writing in the field that I am looking to go into
  • understand why each genre is so important to really know like the back of your hand
  • learn what each writing genre entails and what is important to watch out for
    • ex) audience and organizational elements

How Will I Explain Subject Matter?
As I said in the opening, I am going to need to explain what professional writing is and what this type of writing involves for the career that I am interested in.  Explain that there are different genres that are necessary for all different parts of the jobs in the career of Public Health and Occupational Therapy.  Each profession/job in the field of public health/occupational therapy has to include all different types of writing styles and you have to prepare yourself sufficiently in order to keep your professionalism intact.

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