Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Reflection on my Podcast for Project 2

This blog post is just going to reflect on the post-production week and how my week went with the re-editing.

1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
Writing the script for my podcast and actually putting all of the pieces together went very well. I think that after having the chance to play around with the app Garageband on my computer before having to post the whole rough cut really helped. I also did well with the time-management so that I could get it done in enough time to still have time for my other classes. I didn't let this week's blog posts and peer reviews take over my whole week like it normally does.

2. What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
One challenge with this week's work was deciding which of the four peer-review activities would be most beneficial for the person's work that I was reviewing. There were many things that I felt would have been additionally beneficial for the peer-review, but in the end, I just decided to include the extra comments after I had done one of the activities. The evidence is clear in the peer review posts. I just added an extra blurb about what else I thought was necessary to include in the editing.  

3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
I think that next week is going to be really hard. I have three really big exams and I will be studying for those pretty much all week. So I am going to have to either finish everything over the weekend, or find time to cram it in in between the studying sessions for the other tests.  

4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
  I think that I did a really good job on the project. I think that after all the editing is done, I will feel really good about all of my work. I think that this editing process is much better than what we were doing before for the first project. Also, I am really proud of the amount of work that I have completed in order to get all of the podcast done well and complete with all of the necessary information.

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