Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

In this blog post, I'm gonna give my peers a little heads up about what to look out for in my podcast, what I want feedback on, and what to expect from my rough draft of the project.

ROUGH CUT LINK:     here
 Click on the rough cut link.  It is the third link.  Press download and you should be good to go!

1. What are you anticipating the post-production process to be like, based on what you accomplished during the production phase?
     I am expecting the post-production process to not be as painful as the production phase was.  This is partially because the starting phase is over, and all of the information is present, I just will work on how it is presented.  I kind of enjoy the editing phases of the writing process, so this week won't be as bad for me compared to the pre-production and the production weeks.  ]

PSA to the Reviewers:

  • Key information about your particular project that you would like anyone who peer reviews your draft to know
                       -I want y'all to know that I tried my best to get rid of the echo in my voice so I apologize about that.  Also, I want to know if there is anything that needs to be added or removed (especially regarding the parts that I integrated throughout the podcast that was the interviewee speaking).  I also want to make sure that the information is presented clearly, and it makes sense to anyone who has never heard of a research essay or a grant proposal (although I'm going to assume most of you have).  

  • Major issues or weaknesses in the “Rough Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those weaknesses)
- I know that the background music is a bit bland so I promise I am working on that. But I also know that the technological aspects that are a bit rough around the edges will be fixed. I just need time to figure out how exactly to work around those issues.

  • Major virtues or strengths in the “Rough Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those strengths)
-I think that the major strength that I have is my enunciation is good because I remember hearing a girl's podcast and I couldn't understand a word that she said. I also think that I did a decent job integrating the interview into the parts where I am speaking. I tried my best to keep it flowing and not have it seem like "here is what I have to say, and this is what Dr. Pettygrove says". I wanted it to sound like it fit right there where I put it. I want the snippet of the interviewees talking to make it seem like it was supposed to go there in the podcast.

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