Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Production Report 8b

In this blog post I will be including another piece of my outline along with the raw material that I created based on the content outline that I created.

2nd Outline Item: Body Paragraph #1

"Main Idea: The research essays and grant proposals that Pettygrove has to do as part of her job as a professor at a big university.


  • In her interview she speaks about the tasks that she has to complete... include those instances for podcast.  Speaks about each one individually for a while in the interview (include different parts of each of those)
    • This proves that she has two main writing genres that are important to her work. She explains how she does them and why she does them.  
      • This is important because without knowing how to complete these genres, her work would not be sufficient for the job she holds as a professor.  She needs to be able to explain how she does them and why she does them.  
  • Include what she says about including her audience in her work, how she words things, edits them
    • She repeated multiple times that the audience was very important for the grant proposals because if she didn't meet the criteria for the audience then there was no point to even writing the proposal because the audience would just throw it away.  
      • This is an important aspect of any piece of writing.  Without understanding the audience, the writing would not be applicable and it would be hard to connect to.  
  • Include what her favorite things about writing are--editing
    • She commented a lot of times how she really enjoys to edit her grant proposals to get just the right amount of words that are required of her.  She thinks that it is like a mental puzzle and it is fun and enjoyable for her.
      • This is important because if doing things that are a big part of your job aren't fun to you, and you constantly dread doing your work, there is a problem.  Since she thoroughly enjoys editing her writing, it is not a burden to her to write grant proposals or research essays.  
  • What is difficult about the research essays and the grant proposals
    • She said that the editing is the hardest part of the writing process but that it is also the most fun and challenging.  She said in the interview that she enjoys to be challenged in her work.  
      • This is important to take note of for the podcast because I want to be challenged in my work too.  I don't want to be bored and dread my work load everyday. "
Raw Material of Body Paragraph #1:

Click here to get to the link for my podcast.  This time, click on English Project 2.  It should be first on the list to listen to.  Then press download and it will load into your iTunes.  

Audience Questions:

1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
I thought that a podcast was the best form to present the content I was given in the blurb of my raw material posted above. I think that podcasts are more for getting a gist of something instead of listing off important pieces of information that the audience needs to see visually to understand the concept. Since this project is just discussing the professional writings that are done by people in the fields that we are interested in, I figured that speaking about this subject would be most useful in getting the information across. The conventions of a podcast include excerpts from the interview as well as a summary of what is what spoken by me. I think that my voice will be more clear through a podcast where I am actually speaking than if I were to write this out. I also think that hearing what Pettygrove and Bueno say and how they say certain things are more evident when the audience can hear their actual voices speaking on the podcast.

2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
      The production of the raw material was a bit bumpy.  It took me awhile to remember the ins and outs of Garageband.  It also was a bit hard to figure out what it was exactly that I wanted to include in the opening and what things were and were not important to say.  So the writing portion of the raw material was also hard.  However, I think that this helped me feel more confident in working with garageband and knowing what is important to include in this project. Uploading the snippets onto blogger from Garageband was also very difficult and time consuming.  I could not find videos on YouTube that could have helped me a bit, so the technology part of this was not very fun for me.  

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