Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Peer Review for Olivia Sandhu's Podcast

In the first peer review, I looked at the "rough cut" of Olivia Sandhu's podcast and the activity that I chose to use to help edit is the Content recommendation.

Recommendation for Content (editing the contextual elements of the podcast like the who,                                                              what, when, where, why, etc. )

                  Olivia did a very good job meeting the criteria of the Project 2 Assignment Sheet.  She made sure to know a lot about the two people that she interviewed and she did a good job introducing them in the podcast to show her credibility.  She also does the secondary research very well.  She makes sure to include the sources that she used as the examples.  She very clearly says what the purpose of the podcast is so that the audience is never questioning it.  However, there could be more contextual evidence added to back up your claims.  
  • the level of detail and development present in the “Rough Cut” the effectiveness of the use and citation of credible sources in the “Rough Cut”
Olivia did a good job with the basic contextual elements of the podcast, however as I said above, I think it would be really beneficial to go more in depth into the context of the podcast segment. I think that analyzing why you included the things you included as well as interpreting the interview snippets would really help your podcast as a whole.

  • the effectiveness of the use and citation of credible sources in the “Rough Cut”
You did a really nice job with the use of credible sources and making sure that you gave them credit where credit was due. Maybe include the citations towards the end of the podcast or just say where you got the information from as part of the introduction to the quote that you will use. Otherwise, I think that you used the credible sources very well.

**I think I helped Olivia understand a little better how to include the citations well without having to include a works cited portion of the podcast because that would sound a bit weird and out of place. From the Student's Guide reading, I think that it is important that she understands the audience that she is directing her podcast towards so that her purpose and contextual elements will have more direct information included for them.

What I admired most about your podcast was the organization of your information. I think it flowed very nicely and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your podcast and learning about the public health field, specifically the pharmaceutical side of it.

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