Saturday, March 26, 2016

Final Cut

Here is where you can find my final cut of the podcast after editing and peer-review.

The final title is English Project 2.  Enjoy!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Peer Review for Payton Leahy

In the second peer review, I will be going over the standard college essay of Payton Leahy , titled, "Rhetorical Investigation into Physiological Genres" and the activity that I chose to use to edit is the form recommendation.

Recommendation for Form (how to edit the format of the genre and editing the genre                  

  • how effectively the “Rough Cut” uses appropriate genre conventions
The rough cut looks like a well-written standard college essay. It appears to be really organized with the correct MLA format, the title, heading, and the double spacing. The parenthesis for the citations also show that the form is well thought out and planned for this specific genre. The conventions do seem to be met, but the "works cited" page does need to be completed and cited correctly.  

  • how creatively the “Rough Cut” presents the content while working within appropriate genre conventions
The paragraphs are easy to understand and follow however, I think that they could use more detail and examples for the audience to better understand. However, the short paragraphs are nice and easy to read which makes the flow of the essay go well. But I would make sure to focus on expanding on your ideas and your contextual elements. But the genre conventions have a good base for the rest of your editing.  

  • ideas or suggestions about creative ways  genre conventions could be used in the next draft of the project
 Even though you already made a note that your title would be changed, I think that that is going to be a big change in your essay and how the audience connects to the essay. Without a strong title and thesis statement, I think that the rest of the essay won't really matter as much. The beginning of the essay should be extra good so that the rest of the essay will keep the audience interested. I might include a little bit on what you want to do in the field of physio and why you think all of the writing that is done is interesting to you. Right now, your essay is more just facts and facts and I think that it would be beneficial if you included your thoughts and emotions a bit more.

**I hope I helped Payton understand what she can improve on and what she did well on for her standard college essay. The content of the essay was all there but I think that there could definitely be more ideas added to each paragraph. For giving feedback based on the Student Guide readings, I suggest that you go more into the contextual elements of your essay so that the genre is better understood by the audience.

What I admire most about your work is that you effectively used the MLA format and it looked really well organized!

Peer Review for Olivia Sandhu's Podcast

In the first peer review, I looked at the "rough cut" of Olivia Sandhu's podcast and the activity that I chose to use to help edit is the Content recommendation.

Recommendation for Content (editing the contextual elements of the podcast like the who,                                                              what, when, where, why, etc. )

                  Olivia did a very good job meeting the criteria of the Project 2 Assignment Sheet.  She made sure to know a lot about the two people that she interviewed and she did a good job introducing them in the podcast to show her credibility.  She also does the secondary research very well.  She makes sure to include the sources that she used as the examples.  She very clearly says what the purpose of the podcast is so that the audience is never questioning it.  However, there could be more contextual evidence added to back up your claims.  
  • the level of detail and development present in the “Rough Cut” the effectiveness of the use and citation of credible sources in the “Rough Cut”
Olivia did a good job with the basic contextual elements of the podcast, however as I said above, I think it would be really beneficial to go more in depth into the context of the podcast segment. I think that analyzing why you included the things you included as well as interpreting the interview snippets would really help your podcast as a whole.

  • the effectiveness of the use and citation of credible sources in the “Rough Cut”
You did a really nice job with the use of credible sources and making sure that you gave them credit where credit was due. Maybe include the citations towards the end of the podcast or just say where you got the information from as part of the introduction to the quote that you will use. Otherwise, I think that you used the credible sources very well.

**I think I helped Olivia understand a little better how to include the citations well without having to include a works cited portion of the podcast because that would sound a bit weird and out of place. From the Student's Guide reading, I think that it is important that she understands the audience that she is directing her podcast towards so that her purpose and contextual elements will have more direct information included for them.

What I admired most about your podcast was the organization of your information. I think it flowed very nicely and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your podcast and learning about the public health field, specifically the pharmaceutical side of it.

Reflection on my Podcast for Project 2

This blog post is just going to reflect on the post-production week and how my week went with the re-editing.

1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
Writing the script for my podcast and actually putting all of the pieces together went very well. I think that after having the chance to play around with the app Garageband on my computer before having to post the whole rough cut really helped. I also did well with the time-management so that I could get it done in enough time to still have time for my other classes. I didn't let this week's blog posts and peer reviews take over my whole week like it normally does.

2. What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
One challenge with this week's work was deciding which of the four peer-review activities would be most beneficial for the person's work that I was reviewing. There were many things that I felt would have been additionally beneficial for the peer-review, but in the end, I just decided to include the extra comments after I had done one of the activities. The evidence is clear in the peer review posts. I just added an extra blurb about what else I thought was necessary to include in the editing.  

3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
I think that next week is going to be really hard. I have three really big exams and I will be studying for those pretty much all week. So I am going to have to either finish everything over the weekend, or find time to cram it in in between the studying sessions for the other tests.  

4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
  I think that I did a really good job on the project. I think that after all the editing is done, I will feel really good about all of my work. I think that this editing process is much better than what we were doing before for the first project. Also, I am really proud of the amount of work that I have completed in order to get all of the podcast done well and complete with all of the necessary information.

Editorial Report 9b

This blog post will show how my podcast has changed since the first draft to the second draft after editing and revisiting the project.

Selection from Rough Cut:
Here (it is called original rough cut 2)

Re-edited Selection:
Here (it is called re-edited rough cut 2)

1. How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?
        The content changed when I re-edited it because it included an example of the things that would be included in the patient report.  Since I included the examples, not only was it more clear for the audience to understand what kind of things are added to a report of the appointment.  This really helped to validate my claims of the use of logos and ethos in this genre of writing.  I think that the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version because the audience has a better sense of the material that is included on the medical report and why it is an example of the rhetorical strategy of logos and ethos.  

2. How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?
I think that the form changed just a little bit when I re-edited it because once again, I included a bit more of an emotion behind my voice so that the podcast segment wasn't just a monotone 9 minute drag. I think that the re-edited version related more to the audience so that the connection between the topic, the audience and the author was much stronger. This is an important part of the form for the podcast because you don't want the author to just be rambling on and on about something but not make any connections about the importance of these things in their life and in the lives of the audience.

Editorial Report 9a

This blog post will show how my podcast has changed since the first draft to the second draft after editing and revisiting the project.

Selection from Rough Cut:
Here (it is called original rough cut 1)

Re-edited Selection:
Here  (it is called rough cut 1)

1. How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?
The content changed just a little bit. I made sure to include more about the importance of why I included the previous snippet from the interview with Dr. Pettygrove so that I wasn't just rambling about what the abstract included. I wanted to be more clear about why I needed to include the interview and why the part that I included was important. I thought that without the explanation, the podcast was missing something important. I needed to include what I learned from Dr. Pettygrove so that it related more to why I liked the field of Occupational Therapy and it wasn't just stating facts.  
I think that the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version because it related to why I was interested in the content, but it also included why the information I included from the interview was important for the podcast as a whole.

2. How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?
The form changed only in the way that my voice was a bit more enthusiastic and not as monotone as it was in the first cut. The form is really affected by the tone of the author's voice because if my voice is monotone, it will not be a great podcast to listen to. I don't think that I would want to listen to anything that was super monotone and boring because I would think that if the author wasn't even interested in the topic, then why should I be interested in it? So, I think that the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version of the podcast because I actually sound interested in the topic that I am speaking about. That will help the audience to also feel more connected to the topic of Public Health and Occupational Therapy.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

In this blog post, I'm gonna give my peers a little heads up about what to look out for in my podcast, what I want feedback on, and what to expect from my rough draft of the project.

ROUGH CUT LINK:     here
 Click on the rough cut link.  It is the third link.  Press download and you should be good to go!

1. What are you anticipating the post-production process to be like, based on what you accomplished during the production phase?
     I am expecting the post-production process to not be as painful as the production phase was.  This is partially because the starting phase is over, and all of the information is present, I just will work on how it is presented.  I kind of enjoy the editing phases of the writing process, so this week won't be as bad for me compared to the pre-production and the production weeks.  ]

PSA to the Reviewers:

  • Key information about your particular project that you would like anyone who peer reviews your draft to know
                       -I want y'all to know that I tried my best to get rid of the echo in my voice so I apologize about that.  Also, I want to know if there is anything that needs to be added or removed (especially regarding the parts that I integrated throughout the podcast that was the interviewee speaking).  I also want to make sure that the information is presented clearly, and it makes sense to anyone who has never heard of a research essay or a grant proposal (although I'm going to assume most of you have).  

  • Major issues or weaknesses in the “Rough Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those weaknesses)
- I know that the background music is a bit bland so I promise I am working on that. But I also know that the technological aspects that are a bit rough around the edges will be fixed. I just need time to figure out how exactly to work around those issues.

  • Major virtues or strengths in the “Rough Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those strengths)
-I think that the major strength that I have is my enunciation is good because I remember hearing a girl's podcast and I couldn't understand a word that she said. I also think that I did a decent job integrating the interview into the parts where I am speaking. I tried my best to keep it flowing and not have it seem like "here is what I have to say, and this is what Dr. Pettygrove says". I wanted it to sound like it fit right there where I put it. I want the snippet of the interviewees talking to make it seem like it was supposed to go there in the podcast.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection on the production of my podcast

In this blog post, I will be reflecting on the productivity of my podcast and how the production of the podcast went overall. 

1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
  Some of the things that actually went right this week (I'm still surprised that something went right in my's a shocker when that happens) were that I finished my rough cut early. Since I had to midterms to worry about this week, they were all in the previous weeks, I could focus and put all of my attention on making the podcast. It seemed to have helped considering that I spent the whole week on the podcast when I may have spent only 2 days on it during a normal hectic week in the life of Sarah. I also think that the writing of the script for my podcast went pretty well. Since I had so much information to cover regarding the interviews that I had, I had the opportunity to pick and choose what I wanted to cover instead of trying to come up with more information on a tedious topic.

2. What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
Oh I could list at least 100 challenges that I had during this week's process work. The majority of these challenges occurred on the computer and had to do with technology. Let me just rant a bit. Technology is a pain in the you know what sometimes and I was soooo close to throwing my computer off the fifth floor of Arbol. (Thankfully my friend convinced me not to....shoutout to Rachel Brady for that one). So anyways back to my ranting. Garageband is way harder to work than I remember from 5th grade computer class. There are so many gadgets and buttons to press and I couldn't figure out how to just record my voice normally for at least a half an hour. Also, I could not figure out how to upload the snippet of the podcast onto blogger since it only has options to upload movies or pictures. I had to read through a bunch of EXTREMELY unhelpful websites until I came across a blog that explained that I had to make my own website that I could use as a "file cabinet" to store my .mp3 files so that I could hyperlink my blog to those pages. Anyways, that took a very long time. 
3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
Now that I finally think I understand how to get the basic stuff done in Garageband and in Blogger, I think that this next week will go just swimmingly. Considering that I put a lot of effort and work into the rough cut, I would think that the editing won't be as hard as it was for the QRG when I had less time to spend on the rough cut.  

4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
Overall, I am feeling much better about this project. Partially because the worst of the project is over. I have completed the rough draft, and now all I have to do is editing, which is something that I actually don't mind doing. Also, I think that now that I finally understand the point of this project, it isn't as hard to get done as I had originally thought.

Production Report 8b

In this blog post I will be including another piece of my outline along with the raw material that I created based on the content outline that I created.

2nd Outline Item: Body Paragraph #1

"Main Idea: The research essays and grant proposals that Pettygrove has to do as part of her job as a professor at a big university.


  • In her interview she speaks about the tasks that she has to complete... include those instances for podcast.  Speaks about each one individually for a while in the interview (include different parts of each of those)
    • This proves that she has two main writing genres that are important to her work. She explains how she does them and why she does them.  
      • This is important because without knowing how to complete these genres, her work would not be sufficient for the job she holds as a professor.  She needs to be able to explain how she does them and why she does them.  
  • Include what she says about including her audience in her work, how she words things, edits them
    • She repeated multiple times that the audience was very important for the grant proposals because if she didn't meet the criteria for the audience then there was no point to even writing the proposal because the audience would just throw it away.  
      • This is an important aspect of any piece of writing.  Without understanding the audience, the writing would not be applicable and it would be hard to connect to.  
  • Include what her favorite things about writing are--editing
    • She commented a lot of times how she really enjoys to edit her grant proposals to get just the right amount of words that are required of her.  She thinks that it is like a mental puzzle and it is fun and enjoyable for her.
      • This is important because if doing things that are a big part of your job aren't fun to you, and you constantly dread doing your work, there is a problem.  Since she thoroughly enjoys editing her writing, it is not a burden to her to write grant proposals or research essays.  
  • What is difficult about the research essays and the grant proposals
    • She said that the editing is the hardest part of the writing process but that it is also the most fun and challenging.  She said in the interview that she enjoys to be challenged in her work.  
      • This is important to take note of for the podcast because I want to be challenged in my work too.  I don't want to be bored and dread my work load everyday. "
Raw Material of Body Paragraph #1:

Click here to get to the link for my podcast.  This time, click on English Project 2.  It should be first on the list to listen to.  Then press download and it will load into your iTunes.  

Audience Questions:

1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
I thought that a podcast was the best form to present the content I was given in the blurb of my raw material posted above. I think that podcasts are more for getting a gist of something instead of listing off important pieces of information that the audience needs to see visually to understand the concept. Since this project is just discussing the professional writings that are done by people in the fields that we are interested in, I figured that speaking about this subject would be most useful in getting the information across. The conventions of a podcast include excerpts from the interview as well as a summary of what is what spoken by me. I think that my voice will be more clear through a podcast where I am actually speaking than if I were to write this out. I also think that hearing what Pettygrove and Bueno say and how they say certain things are more evident when the audience can hear their actual voices speaking on the podcast.

2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
      The production of the raw material was a bit bumpy.  It took me awhile to remember the ins and outs of Garageband.  It also was a bit hard to figure out what it was exactly that I wanted to include in the opening and what things were and were not important to say.  So the writing portion of the raw material was also hard.  However, I think that this helped me feel more confident in working with garageband and knowing what is important to include in this project. Uploading the snippets onto blogger from Garageband was also very difficult and time consuming.  I could not find videos on YouTube that could have helped me a bit, so the technology part of this was not very fun for me.  

Production Report 8a

In this blog entry, I will be picking an item off of my list of things to do this week and I will include that as a raw portion as well. A small excerpt of my podcast will be included on this blog post so that y'all can listen to how some of my project is coming slowly but surely.

Outline Item: Opening of Podcast

"Clearly state what the field of study I am interested in and who the people were that I interviewed.
(Pettygrove and Bueno, what they do, what's important about it, what are the genres they use).  Also make sure to include the purpose of this podcast- discovering the genres of the people I interviewed.

**How to grab readers' attention in opening:

  • Start with the description of public health and Occupational therapy (summary/definition)
  • Make sure that I sound super interested in what I am talking about
  • Maybe include the part of the interview with Bueno where she is discussing why she is so in love with her jobs?"

Raw Material of Opening:

The podcast snippet can be found here.  Just click on the bottom link with the title English Project 3:8:16 and download it.  It will transfer to your iTunes and play there.  It was the only way I could figure out how to get the .mp3 file to upload onto blogger. 

Audience Questions:

1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
I thought that a podcast was the best form to present the content I was given in the blurb of my raw material posted above. I think that podcasts are more for getting a gist of something instead of listing off important pieces of information that the audience needs to see visually to understand the concept. Since this project is just discussing the professional writings that are done by people in the fields that we are interested in, I figured that speaking about this subject would be most useful in getting the information across. The conventions of a podcast include excerpts from the interview as well as a summary of what is what spoken by me. I think that my voice will be more clear through a podcast where I am actually speaking than if I were to write this out. I also think that hearing what Pettygrove and Bueno say and how they say certain things are more evident when the audience can hear their actual voices speaking on the podcast.

2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
      The production of the raw material was a bit bumpy.  It took me awhile to remember the ins and outs of Garageband.  It also was a bit hard to figure out what it was exactly that I wanted to include in the opening and what things were and were not important to say.  So the writing portion of the raw material was also hard.  However, I think that this helped me feel more confident in working with garageband and knowing what is important to include in this project. Uploading the snippets onto blogger from Garageband was also very difficult and time consuming.  I could not find videos on YouTube that could have helped me a bit, so the technology part of this was not very fun for me.  

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Reflection On My Planning Strategies and My Crazy, Hectic Week

In this blog post, I will be doing a reflection on my week and how I think it went overall.  As you can probably see from the title of this blog entry, I had a crazy, hectic week.   But I mean, what's new?

1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
The success was that I found some time in my week to work on the blog posts and plan the next week out well enough so that I won't feel like I am drowning in things to do as much as I have been this week. I think that the most important part of having a successful week is planning and preparation. I honestly was not well prepared for the strenuous week that I have just had to deal with. Now that I have planned out my strategies for next week, I'm feeling much more relaxed and not so weighed down with things I know I need to do. The schedule we made this week is what will keep me somewhat sane next week.

2. What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
Some of the challenges that I faced this week was finding time to actually complete the outlines and the schedule for the production week next week. I was so stressed out about my two other exams that I had this week that I couldn't find time to fit in these blog posts. But now that I have finished those exams, I finally feel like I could focus on the blogs for this week. The only issue is that I feel like I won't have much of a break in between planning and actually going into production. But once again, there is that drowning feeling that never really goes away. So I am finally getting used to it.

3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
I think that next week will go much more smoothly than this week. This will partially be because I won't have any exams next week to worry about. I can put all of my energy into this project. So that makes me feel much more confident about next week and completing the podcast production. I also think that because I have a planned schedule for my week next week, I will be able to follow that plan and make my schedule for the week based off of those plans instead of just trying to cram everything all into one crazy day. I think that next week will go well for me. At least that's what I'm hoping for.

4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
      I think that I am finally at the point in the project where I actually understand why we are doing this project.  At first, I was super confused and I did not understand the importance or the significance of this project.  However, now that I have analyzed the information that I have gathered and now that I have interviewed my two people, I finally feel like I understand why this project is so detrimental.  It is nice to know what is in store for me when I maybe go into the field of Occupational Therapy.  I now understand all of the different projects that I will need to complete, and I understand the importance of professional communication.  I think that since I understand the project, I will be able to complete this podcast well and have a great final project.  

Production Schedule


PSA: The rest of the excel (completed date and any changes that I made) will be added once I finish the actual production phase and can say what I ended up doing and not doing based off of this rough schedule that I made.

Writing Script: 
       This is just putting all of the information that I have, into words that I can use/read off of for the podcast part of the project.  This will be the most important part because without this, I won't be able to clearly express my thoughts and I would just be rambling.  This script will be the outline of the podcast.  It will include places where I need to pause, allow places for the interview snippets to go, etc.

Opening/Body Paragraph/Closing Parts:
     Once the script is done, I can do the podcast in segments.  I will obviously start at the beginning and work my way through.  But by taking breaks in between each section, I will have less mistakes and there will be less editing to be done at the end of the podcast making in post-production.

Adding Sounds:
     This is when garageband is going to come in handy.  This is when I will add the background sounds so that my voice is just boring and the audience starts to tune me out.  I will also add the snippets of the interviews in this section so that I can edit the interviews and get the right portion in for the podcast.  Adding sounds will include the editing of the interviews so that only Pettygrove and Buenos' voices can be heard.  I don't want my voice or questions to be in the interview portions.  I will do the explaining for the script part and make sure that the interview snippets flow with the script that I wrote.


Content Outline

     In this blog post, I will be going over the ins and outs of my project for the rhetorical analysis.  I will be making a podcast so this blog entry will include everything that the podcast will include and how I am going to organize everything in order to make this podcast successfully.

Clearly state what the field of study I am interested in and who the people were that I interviewed.
(Pettygrove and Bueno, what they do, what's important about it, what are the genres they use).  Also make sure to include the purpose of this podcast- discovering the genres of the people I interviewed.

**How to grab readers' attention in opening:

  • Start with the description of public health and Occupational therapy (summary/definition)
  • Make sure that I sound super interested in what I am talking about
  • Maybe include the part of the interview with Bueno where she is discussing why she is so in love with her jobs?

Body Paragraph 1:

Main Idea: The research essays and grant proposals that Pettygrove has to do as part of her job as a professor at a big university.


  • In her interview she speaks about the tasks that she has to complete... include those instances for podcast.  Speaks about each one individually for a while in the interview (include different parts of each of those)
    • This proves that she has two main writing genres that are important to her work. She explains how she does them and why she does them.  
      • This is important because without knowing how to complete these genres, her work would not be sufficient for the job she holds as a professor.  She needs to be able to explain how she does them and why she does them.  
  • Include what she says about including her audience in her work, how she words things, edits them
    • She repeated multiple times that the audience was very important for the grant proposals because if she didn't meet the criteria for the audience then there was no point to even writing the proposal because the audience would just throw it away.  
      • This is an important aspect of any piece of writing.  Without understanding the audience, the writing would not be applicable and it would be hard to connect to.  
  • Include what her favorite things about writing are--editing
    • She commented a lot of times how she really enjoys to edit her grant proposals to get just the right amount of words that are required of her.  She thinks that it is like a mental puzzle and it is fun and enjoyable for her.
      • This is important because if doing things that are a big part of your job aren't fun to you, and you constantly dread doing your work, there is a problem.  Since she thoroughly enjoys editing her writing, it is not a burden to her to write grant proposals or research essays.  
  • What is difficult about the research essays and the grant proposals
    • She said that the editing is the hardest part of the writing process but that it is also the most fun and challenging.  She said in the interview that she enjoys to be challenged in her work.  
      • This is important to take note of for the podcast because I want to be challenged in my work too.  I don't want to be bored and dread my work load everyday. 

Body Paragraph 2:

Main Idea:   The main idea of this section will be of Yvonne Bueno and her genre of writing for her multiple jobs.  Talk about her different jobs (OT, OT at school and TMC, teacher, doctorate student) and the different writing genres that each job includes.  Mainly reports on clients and then lectures for her public health classes taught at the UofA.


  • Importance of understanding her audiences
    • Without understanding her audiences, she mentioned in her interview that it leads to confusion.  For example, when she is writing a report for her client, the parents have to be able to understand what happened during the appointment, but also the insurance has to find key words and understand in insurance terms what happened during the appointment. So there has to be a happy medium so neither of her audiences are confused.  
      • This is important for the professionalism of her job.  If her writing comes off as confusing, then she won't seem as professional and will maybe seem questionable to her patients as well as to the insurance companies. 
  • How she manages her time for writing in her careers
    • She tries to set times of the day for each writing "assignment" to complete, but it doesn't always work out.  She makes sure that each is done well and right.  However, she also says that she has a hard time finding a happy medium for finding time in the day to focus on all the different writings she could be doing. She mentioned a lot of times that there is always something that she COULD be doing, but there isn't always time in the day for all of those things. 
      • Time management is an important aspect of professional writing because without it, there would be a clear amount of disorganization and the professionalism aspect of her writing would be gone.
  • Which genre is the hardest for her to complete
    • Lecturing she said are the hardest because what she thinks comes across as important or easy to understand doesn't always come across the same way for the students.  So it takes a lot of trial and error to figure out the best way to present the information for the students to understand most and more efficiently.
      • This is important because she is learning other ways of communicating information to people who aren't as educated on a specific topic as she is.  It helps in all of her other jobs as well because it teaches her how to best present information to all different types of audiences. 

Body Paragraph 3:

Main Idea: The last bit of information in the podcast will focus on the importance of understanding the writing that is done by professionals in my field of study.


  • Pettygrove mentioned that her schooling did not prepare her for the writing that she does now so often in her job
    • She said that now she regularly goes to conventions for learning how to do certain genres of writing in her field of study.  There are seminars that she attends regularly to try to stay on top of the most accurate style of presenting her information to an audience. 
      • This is important for making sure that she is staying up to date on the writing that takes place in her profession.  It is also important so that she can keep her professional rapport with her colleagues and clients.  If she does not know how to properly organize and structure an important piece of writing, she will seem uneducated in her field of study compared to her colleagues. 
  • Bueno mentions that she was very prepared for her clinical writing in her OT practice at TMC and at the Catalina Foothills School District
    • in OT school as a BS at USC, she mentions that they did a lot of clinical practice writing and working with the patients and being able to write down exactly what she did with the patient and what that means
      • This is important because if she doesn't know how to multitask with the patient while also writing down everything so she doesn't forget to write something down on the appointment report, she will get in trouble with the insurance company.  

Closing Section:
        Reiterate the importance of understanding the audience in professional writing and the contextual parts that are necessary in each type of genre in the field of occupational therapy and public health.  Discuss why what you choose to do with your career should involve having an understanding of what types of professional writing will have to be done as part of daily life in that field of study.  Summarize what I learned and what I found to be the most interesting/ intriguing/ surprising.
       It is important to explain that the main part of this project was to:

  • explore the different genres of writing in the field that I am looking to go into
  • understand why each genre is so important to really know like the back of your hand
  • learn what each writing genre entails and what is important to watch out for
    • ex) audience and organizational elements

How Will I Explain Subject Matter?
As I said in the opening, I am going to need to explain what professional writing is and what this type of writing involves for the career that I am interested in.  Explain that there are different genres that are necessary for all different parts of the jobs in the career of Public Health and Occupational Therapy.  Each profession/job in the field of public health/occupational therapy has to include all different types of writing styles and you have to prepare yourself sufficiently in order to keep your professionalism intact.