Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Time Period

    In this blog post, I will be linking you to 2 different local stories, national stories, and global stories that occurred during the time period of this vaccination controversy.  It will be between the late 2014 stories to the stories in the present time (2016) since the controversy is technically still occurring until July 1st, 2016 when the law officially becomes effective.

  1.  San Jose Mercury News                                                            Click here!
  2. Orange County/ Anaheim/ Disneyland
  1.  New York vaccination law                                                        Click here!
  2.  Alabama vaccination law
  1. World Vaccine Congress 2015                                                   Click here!
  2. Mandatory Vaccinations in Iceland, EU, and Norway
GotCredit. "News". 03/16/15 via Flicker.
Creative Commons Generic Public License.  
     During the time period stated above (2014-present), vaccination laws were being put in place all over the United States, as well as in countries all over the world.  California was not the only place to have had a change in the necessary requirements of immunizations.  In local California news (San Jose in northern California and OC in southern), just in time for the Super Bowl commercials to be coming out, the vaccination controversy is back on with more publicity due to the infamous commercials during the breaks of the football game taking place Sunday, February 7th, 2016.  In the Orange County, about 22.5 million people had visited Disneyland in the year 2015 (which was the year that the measles outbreak occurred).  In national news, both New York and Alabama created mandatory vaccination laws, however both states allow for religious exemption, while California does not.  In global news, the World Vaccine Congress got together in Washington DC with immunization professionals from all around the world to discuss world issues with vaccination rates.  And Iceland, EU, and Norway all have mandated vaccinations now too.  These are all very important to my specific controversy because it shows that vaccination rates are a world-wide issue and that it needs to be discussed so that the health of everyone in the world is high.  

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