Thursday, February 18, 2016

My Pronouns

      In this blog entry, I am going to list all of the pronouns that I used in my project 1 draft and I am going to specify what the pronoun is referring to.  This will really help me clear up any confusing sentences throughout the document and more clearly say what I want to by getting rid of a lot of the unnecessary pronouns.

-this (the document)
-this (vaccination)
-this (vaccination)
-them (people not getting vaccinated)
ClckerFreeVectorImages. "Man Looking Words Book Black". 2016 via Pixabay.
 Creative Commons Generic Public License. 
-them (the health of the people who do get vaccinated)
-this (information)
-this (disagreement)
-these (anti-immunization people)
-those (113 people with measles in Disneyland)
-this (Disneyland measles outbreak)
-this (bill SB277)
-them (children)
-this (bill)
-this (bill)
-this (bill)
-this (bill)
-they (parents)
-they (parents)
-they (those against vaccinations)
-he (Senator Joel Anderson)
-they (people of California)
-it (US government)
-it (vaccinating)
-they (California Nurses for Ethical Standards)
-them (the nurses)
-she (Dr. Stacia Kenet Lansman)
-she (Dr. Stacia Kenet Lansman)
-those (people anti-vaccination)
-these (three stakeholders who made claims for the anti-vaccination side)
-they (politicians)
-this (statement from Dr. Tanya Altmann)
-those (the ten vaccinations required in SB277)
-he (Senator Richard Pan)
-this (bill)
-she (Prof. Dorit Reiss)
-she (Prof. Dorit Reiss)
-they (California politicians)
-it (SB277)
-she (Prof. Dorit Reiss)
-they (anti-vaccination group)
-those (the people that support immunizing children)

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