Saturday, February 27, 2016

My Interview Subjects

In this blog post, I will be discussing the women I am interviewing, what I asked them, and what their background entails that led me to interviewing them.

  •  The names of the two people you're scheduled to interview for Project 2 
I am scheduled to interview two women that are in the field of Public Health and involved in children's health.  One of them is Yvonne Bueno and the other is Dr. Sydney Pettygrove.
  • The names of the organization(s) your interviewees work for, as well as their job titles
Yvonne Bueno is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist at Tucson Medical Center, a school Occupational Therapist in the Catalina Foothills School District, and an instructor at the University of Arizona for the College of Public Health 178 class. 

Dr. Sydney Pettygrove is a professor at the University of Arizona.  Specifically, she is the head of the Epidemiology department in the College of Public Health. 

  • Any higher education degree that your interviewees hold and the names of the institutions that issued them
Yvonne Bueno received her BS from University of Southern California in Occupational Therapy, her Masters in Social Sciences from University of Colorado at Denver, and is finishing up her Doctorate in Public Health at the University of Arizona.

Dr. Sydney Pettygrove
Sydney Pettygrove received her undergrad at Berkeley with a BS in zoology. She then got into Johns Hopkins for her PhD in Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology.

  • How many years your interviewees have worked in the field professionally
Yvonne Bueno has been in the field of Occupational Therapy professionally for 18 years.

Sydney Pettygrove has been working as a Professor at the University of Arizona for about 20 years.  She has only worked here since getting her PhD.
    • The date, time & location of your scheduled interview
    I interviewed Yvonne Bueno on Monday, February 22nd at 3pm in the Environmental and Natural Resources Part 2 Building.

    I interviewed Dr. Pettygrove on Friday, February 26th at 12pm in her office at Drachman hall.

    • A list of 8 to 12 interview questions (for each interviewee) that are written to specifically reflect the interviewee's background, position and publication history
    Yvonne Bueno's Questions:
    1. How do you handle your multiple jobs and still have time to do writing and preparations for your teaching job?
    2. How does social media help or inhibit your job? 
    3. Which genre do you find to be most used when at your pediatric OT job?
    4. Do you still struggle with time management? Or have you found a schedule that works for you?
    5. How important is it to know the audience that your writing for?
    6. Which of your jobs do you find has the most writing involved in it?
    7. What is the most important thing to remember when trying to communicate with parents of your clients?
    8. Did your schooling prepare you for the different types of writing and the amount of writing you deal with on a daily basis?
    Dr. Sydney Pettygrove's questions:
    1. What is it like to be a published author?
    2. What are your schooling credentials and did they prepare you well for all that you do now?
    3. How do you find time to do research and teach throughout the year?
    4. Do you have to travel for your research?
    5. Is it hard to work with multiple people for your research? Or does it make the workload easier?
    6. How have you continued to stay interested in epidemiology, teaching the same course for multiple years?
    7. Where was your first job and what did it entail?
    8. How long does it take you to write a research grant?
    9. Do you still find writing to be difficult?

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