Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Setting

In this blog post, I will be describing as best I can, the main setting of this vaccination controversy.  Considering that this is a nationwide controversy, I am focusing on the SB 277 part of the controversy where the law was placed in the first place- California.

Dirk, SD. "Laguna Beach". 07/28/07 via Flicker.
Creative Commons Generic Public License.
    The Golden State, the wonderful West Coast, the place where the vaccination law SB277 created tension among parents all over the state.  In the third largest state in the United States, parents, politicians, and medical professionals are fighting to either support this new law, or strongly oppose it.  In northern California, where the air is colder, the intellectuals are thriving, and the culture is richer, there are just as many people dealing with this issue as there are in southern California. In southern California, where the beaches are sunny and warm, the traffic is bad, and the surfers rule the world, there are Senators also fighting to gain support for the new law.
     In northern California, where the infamous San Francisco is located, the highly liberal population there, is very much anti-vaccinations.  However San Diego and Los Angeles have higher vaccination rates than San Francisco, even though they still have liberal views.
    The setting of this controversy makes a big impact on the issue itself.  Because of the contrasting populations of the northern and the southern parts of the large state, the views of the vaccination law are different everywhere.  There is always a salty smell in the air from the ocean no matter if you live in the northern or southern part of California, but the political views and the views of personal belief exemptions will be different everywhere you go in the Golden State.
m01229. "Northern California Coast". 07/05/15 via Flicker.
Creative Commons Generic Public License. 
     The most important part of the state however, is Sacramento, the states capital where Governor Jerry Brown signed the new law.  In the center of California, amidst the rallying and the protesting, he signed the bill into a law.  That is what is most important.

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