Sunday, February 28, 2016

From Academia to Social Media

In this blog post, I will be searching for the published author, Jochen René Thyrian, who was a co-author in the journal entry from Elsevier about public health and dementia, on social media sites. He has a PhD in epidemiology and health psychology.  He was the only author that seemed to pertain to actual public health topics.  The other co-authors were mathematicians or not very involved in public health.  Dr. Thyrian was the only author that had somewhat of a decent amount of information on the internet.  

1. What is the name of the author (from the academic journal) that you selected and which social media networks were you able to find her/him on?
    The name of the author from Elsevier journal that I previously selected is Jochen René Thyrian.  He actually has no social media at all.  I believe that it is because he is from Germany and it is not as popular among the scientists there.  

2. How would you describe the author's social media presence? What kinds of things are they talking about or sharing on social media? Write a brief description of what you learned about them through the listed social media feeds.
The only thing on Facebook/social media that
I could find of Dr. Thyrian. 
  The only thing that I could find on any social media that mention Jochen René Thyrian, was a post about a study that he conducted on Facebook.  Only his name was mentioned as a co-author and researcher, however, there was no link to a profile or another page with more information on him.  

3. Now return to the piece that this author published in the academic journal (from Blog Posts 6.5 & 6.6). How does their persona on social media differ from their persona in the pages of the academic journal? Be specific and cite details from both the journal and the social media posts you discovered.
    Since Thyrian does not have any social media accounts, it makes me believe that his work is extremely important to him and does not really have time for other things in his life? I can't really say one way or another, but having a PhD in epidemiology and health psychology, I would think that he has better things to be doing than spending his time on Facebook or Instagram.  The only website that somewhat described Thyrian was on a research site.  It is called "Research Gate" and it said what Jochen René Thyrian specialized in, and what other publications he has co-authored.  

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