Sunday, February 28, 2016

Report on My Interviews

In this blog post, I will be reflecting on the two interviews that I conducted this week with Yvonne Bueno and Dr. Sydney Pettygrove.

1. What are the most significant or interesting genres that you learned about from your interviewees? Please identify at least THREE specific genres from your discipline/field of study that your interview subjects discussed writing within.
     The most significant or interesting genres that I learned about from my interviewees had to be the (1)lectures that both of them have to create for their classes but also the (2)grant proposals that Dr. Pettygrove has to complete, and the (3)publications on autism that Dr. Pettygrove also helps complete.  

2. How do these genres differ from one another? Think about things like genre convention, content, purpose, audience, message, and context as you describe these differences.
     These three genres are very different from one another.  The lecture is completely different than the grant proposals or the experiments and case studies that Dr. Pettygrove helps to complete.  The lectures include information about topics that pertain to the major that the students are looking to pursue.  The information contains things that are basic and refer to different things throughout the field of public health.  The audience of the lectures compared to the audience of the grant proposals and case studies on autism are also completely different.  For the lectures, the audience includes students of all different ages, different levels of education, different levels of interest, and different ideas towards the topic.  The audiences of the case study and the grant proposals are completely professional and specific with as to what they are looking for.  The students for the lecture know the basis of the information that they will be given, but the professionals that read the grant proposals or go over the case studies know exactly what they are looking for in the publications.  They have the same interests and mostly the same education levels on the topic.  
     The messages of the three different genres are also all different.  The message of the lecture is to make sure to plant a solid base of information related to public health subjects in the students' heads.  The message of the grant proposals is that the certain researches want to get money from the grant research fund so that something important can be analyzed and experimented on.  The message of the case studies is that something was researched and there is information in this publication that explains how it was done and why it is important. 
     The contexts of these genres are all pretty different as well.  Although the overall broad topic of things discussed is the same-public health- the specificity of each genre is completely different and will vary with each time that certain publication is created. 

3.  Based on the information you gathered in your interviews, what is challenging and/or difficult about writing within these genres (from a professional's point of view)?
Swift, Jonathan. "A Modest Proposal 1729" via
Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain License. 
    The most challenging or difficult thing about writing these genres that I learned about from the two interviewees is the understanding of their audiences.  That is what they both seemed to come across the most often.  While Dr. Pettygrove deals with very picky people who decide whether or not her colleagues deserve a grant funding.  She mentioned that it is hard to include everything necessary for the understanding of the research that would be done and used wisely with the grant money if they got it.  However, if she doesn't follow the instructions and page limit and word limit exactly as the grant funders want it, then her grant proposal is thrown away and never looked at.  
     The most challenging thing that Yvonne Bueno discussed with me about her professional writing was the papers that she has to write up each time she is with a client.  The paper has to include everything that she and the patient did in that session and make sure that everything is clear to the parents but also that she includes everything that is necessary for the insurance to cover.  If she doesn't make the information clear enough for the parents, then the parents won't know how to help their children at home or know if they are improving in their OT sessions at all.  If Bueno doesn't include the correct terminology for the insurance companies to understand, then the patients might be charged for things that they shouldn't have been or something else could happen that would be inconvenient to either the patient or the insurance company (or both). 

4. Based on the information you gathered in your interviews, what is exciting and/or rewarding about writing within these genres (from a professional's point of view)?
      Based on the information that I gathered in my interviews, I learned that the most exciting this and rewarding writing that is done within these writing genres is the feeling of being published, and the feeling of knowing that the patient has improved.  
     In Dr. Pettygrove's case, the feeling of finishing a case study or a grant proposal or a giant research project, knowing that the final project has been published is her biggest accomplishment.  After working so hard throughout the year with so many colleagues, she has something great to prove that all of that work finally paid off.  All of the night spent editing and the days that she travelled all the way to Phoenix in order to complete the research that could only be done in Maricopa County was her rewarding part of the professional writing side of her career at the University of Arizona. 
    For Yvonne Bueno, the most rewarding thing about professional writing in her career is seeing how her patients have improved over time after working with her.  Since she has to write everything that was done between her and her patient and how her patient reacted or did something, she gets to see their improvements, and how happy and proud they are of themselves when they know they finally did something right.  The feeling of accomplishment through her writing to explain to the parents of the patient what their child did that was so amazing is her reward of writing.  

5. Where in mass media - popular, academic, and/or social - can examples of this genre be found? If genre examples cannot be found within mass media easily, where can genre examples be found/located?
     Lectures can be found wherever on the internet I would assume if you are a student and have access to the professor's webpage.  Or, there are TED talks that are pretty much lectures that cover all sorts of subjects.  Those can be found on YouTube.  Otherwise, lectures are usually attended by people in person.  It is usually found in school or in offices.  
Boekentoren Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent. "20100830_igelu_100".
08/30/10 via Flicker.  Creative Commons Generic License.

     Grant proposals would not necessarily be found on the internet.  However, I am sure that they could be found on certain scientific websites.  There are plenty of examples that are accessible if you simply type in "grant proposals".  However, I obviously was not given an example or a copy of a grant proposal. Since they are so professional, I think that the proposals only go to the people who work at the company that supplies the researchers the grant fundings.  
     Case studies on autism can be found in libraries, on journals, e-journals, the internet, anywhere! As long as the audience knows what exactly he/she wants to learn about, the case studies are most always applicable for the public eye to see once the research essay has been published.  

From Academia to Social Media

In this blog post, I will be searching for the published author, Jochen René Thyrian, who was a co-author in the journal entry from Elsevier about public health and dementia, on social media sites. He has a PhD in epidemiology and health psychology.  He was the only author that seemed to pertain to actual public health topics.  The other co-authors were mathematicians or not very involved in public health.  Dr. Thyrian was the only author that had somewhat of a decent amount of information on the internet.  

1. What is the name of the author (from the academic journal) that you selected and which social media networks were you able to find her/him on?
    The name of the author from Elsevier journal that I previously selected is Jochen René Thyrian.  He actually has no social media at all.  I believe that it is because he is from Germany and it is not as popular among the scientists there.  

2. How would you describe the author's social media presence? What kinds of things are they talking about or sharing on social media? Write a brief description of what you learned about them through the listed social media feeds.
The only thing on Facebook/social media that
I could find of Dr. Thyrian. 
  The only thing that I could find on any social media that mention Jochen René Thyrian, was a post about a study that he conducted on Facebook.  Only his name was mentioned as a co-author and researcher, however, there was no link to a profile or another page with more information on him.  

3. Now return to the piece that this author published in the academic journal (from Blog Posts 6.5 & 6.6). How does their persona on social media differ from their persona in the pages of the academic journal? Be specific and cite details from both the journal and the social media posts you discovered.
    Since Thyrian does not have any social media accounts, it makes me believe that his work is extremely important to him and does not really have time for other things in his life? I can't really say one way or another, but having a PhD in epidemiology and health psychology, I would think that he has better things to be doing than spending his time on Facebook or Instagram.  The only website that somewhat described Thyrian was on a research site.  It is called "Research Gate" and it said what Jochen René Thyrian specialized in, and what other publications he has co-authored.  

Academic Discourse and Genre

This blog entry will be about the genres included in the Elsevier Journal entry from the previous blog post.

1. How many different kinds of genres seem to be published in this particular issue of the journal you selected? (Remember, genres are usually identifiable by their form, content, techniques and/or social function.)
      There were at least five different genres intertwined into an issue of the Elsevier Journal.  

2. If you don't know the 'official' names for these different genres, come up with names for the yourself. Identify at least three different genres within the journal issue and describe the significant formal differences between the three genres?

~"A multi-genre paper arises from research, experience, and imagination. It is not an uninterrupted, expository monolog nor a seamless narrative nor a collection of poems. A multi-genre paper is composed of many genres and subgenres, each piece self-contained, making a point of its own, yet connected by theme or topic and sometimes by language, images, and content. In addition to many genres, a multi-genre paper may also contain many voices, not just the author's. The trick is to make such a paper hang together." (Romano, Blending Genre, Altering Style)~
Example of the Journal Entry from "Knowledge Management
in dementia care networks: 
qualitative analysis of successful
 information and support strategies for 
people with
dementia living at home and their family caregivers" 

  • Journal Entry: The genre of "journal entry" is important because this is where the publication was placed for people to read the research essay.  Without the journal as a part of the genre, the research essay may not have been read or discovered by the audiences that it was written for in the first place.  The journal is the gateway to the audiences.  If the people are interested in public health research and discoveries, then the Public Health Journal, Elsevier, would be an appropriate place for a research essay like this to be published. The journals are designed specifically to attract a certain audience, so that is the significant formal difference between this genre and another one.  
  • Case Study: The case study is an important genre for this research essay because it shows the analysis and experimental part of the publication that the whole research essay is based off of.  Without the case study genre, there would have been nothing to back up what the researchers were saying in their conclusions and their introductions.  The case study shows the evidence and the scientific part of the exploration of the relationship between the at-home caregiver and the patient through the people that they studied for their case study. 
  • Diagram with Explanation and Analysis: There were of course diagrams and graphs to show the information along with words that explain the importance of those.  The significant parts of these diagrams with explanation and analysis is that the evidence and the information of the research essay are clearly presented for the audience in a nice diagram that could be easily interpreted.  However, there are also clear explanations and analyses of why those statistics are an important part of their research for the Public Health Journal. 
3. Now come up with your own definition for each genre (using the name you coined, if you weren't sure what the 'official' name is for the genre). Be sure to explain what you perceive to be the purpose of each genre and how each genre might meet the needs and expectations of a target audience.
  • Journal Entry: A booklet filled with several recordings of information that pertain to a similar broad topic.  For example, the Elsevier Journal consists of Public Health information and scientific findings.  The purpose is to inform and explain the importance of these findings.  Journal entries are good for those who are interested in that specific topic at a higher level that one might find in a newspaper or a social media site.  It is scientifically backed information that was highly researched and analyzed.  
  • Case Study: A process or a recording of research that detailed amounts of consideration in order to develop evidence for a specific person, group, or situation over a period of time.  The purpose of the case study genre is to be able to show the evidence necessary to back up the scientific claim behind the research and conclusions.  The case study proves what the scientists did to a group, or specific person over a period of time and what these scientists found after their examinations and research.  The case study is targeted to the audiences that want to make sure that the information they are reading and getting is completely legitimate and not just made up.  The audience expects real research and experiments to have been done to prove that their claims are not merely just claims, but proven claims. 
  • Diagram with Explanation and Analysis: A simplified drawing/graph that shows the reader the workings of something in a clear and labeled fashion.   In order for the diagram with explanation and analysis genre to work with this journal entry, it was important that the diagram is clearly labeled and easy to understand if the reader wants to just skim the article and get the main facts.  The diagram provides an easy way of accessing the information that is described more in detail in the wordy part of the journal entry, but the diagram makes that information more clear.  It is a graphical/ visual representation of information that pertains to the journal entry itself.  So the target audience are people that are highly educated on the ideas of dementia, in this case, and just want to skim through the essay and get the logistics and statistics of the research that was being conducted.  
Case Study Example from "Knowledge Management in dementia care networks: 
a qualitative analysis of successful information and support strategies for 
people with dementia living at home and their family caregivers" 

Rhetorical Analysis of Academic Journal

Elsevier e-Journal at the University of Arizona Library.  02/26/16
In this blog entry, I will be analyzing the journal entry that I found from the last blog post.  This journal publication was found in Elsevier, the Public Health Journal.  

1. Who are the authors/speakers published in this specific issue of the academic journal you've selected? How many different authors are published here? What do you know - or can you find out - about these people? How are the authors/speakers portrayed in the journal issue? Cite specific details from the journal issue in your answers.
     The authors are S. Heinrich, F. Laporte Uribe, M. Roes, W. Hoffman, J.R. Thyrian, K. Wolf-Ostermann, and B. Holle.  So there are a total of 8 authors for this journal essay.  Dr. Stefan Heinrich is a professor in Germany of Numerical Analysis, Uribe is a PhD in New Zealand, W Hoffman is an epidemiology and pediatrics expert.  Since there are so many contributors to this journal entry, I don't have the time to research every single one of them, however, I would assume that they are all experts in their field, otherwise, they would not have gotten the grant proposal accepted.  These authors are portrayed in the journal issue just as the authors and then are not really talked about throughout the rest of the essay.  The focus of this research essay is on the dementia patients, not the authors.  

2.  Who is the intended audience for this particular journal issue? How can you tell? Are there any secondary audiences included here? Cite specific details from the journal issue in your answers. 
      The intended audience for this particular journal issue are the other researches and experts in the field of public health who focus on dementia in the elderly.  The secondary audiences might be the caregivers of the dementia patients because the research was done on how the communication between the caregivers and the clients could be improved.  I can tell that the intended audience is for professionals in this field because the experts are the ones who understand the lingo that is mentioned throughout the entry and they will be able to do something with that information.  In the first paragraph of the article, it says, "Around the world, family caregivers play the most important role in supporting people with dementia."  

3. What is the context surrounding this particular journal issue? How does this affect the content of the journal? (See the bulleted questions on Student's Guide page 180 for specific questions about context). Cite specific details from the journal issue in your answers. 
  • Date: August 3rd, 2015
  • Medium: Research Analysis/Essay for a the Elsevier Journal of Public Health.
  • Events: The German Ministry of Health picked the 13 Dementia Care Nurses that would be interviewed for this research project.  The German Ministry of health were able to choose these thirteen specific DCNs because they were the company that was funding the research.   
  • Social Movements: "In 2012, approximately 24.3 million people were affected by dementia worldwide.  This number is expected to double every 20 years" is what the introduction of the research paper says.  It is because of this extreme rise of dementia in the elderly that this research had to be conducted. 
  • Cultural Backgrounds: Since the research was done in Germany, technically the evidence would relate to only Germans.  However, "this situation applies to many countries worldwide" according to the research analysis. 
  • Surroundings: This was published in Germany and the research was done in Germany as I said in the section above. 
  • Other Texts: Any text that is scientifically proven that is about the importance of dementia among the elderly and their relationship with their at-home nurses.  
4. What is the overall message of the journal issue? How did you decide this? Cite specific details from the journal issue in your answers. 
    The overall message of the journal issue is that "family caregivers play the most important role in supporting people with dementia (PwD) at home" and it is extremely important that the relationship between the caregiver and the patient is strong.  This was presented to me as one of the main points that was reiterated throughout the introduction of the journal issue.  

5. What purpose is the journal issue trying to achieve? Cite specific details from the journal issue in your answers. 
     The purpose of this journal issue is to make aware to people that the "existing dementia support services are often not efficiently linked with different stakeholders in the come-care setting".  This journal entry is supposed to let the companies of dementia caregivers to inform PwD better about the options they have for at-home caregiving.  

Saturday, February 27, 2016

My Discipline

In this blog post, I will have to search the mass media to discover what it is that people in my field do to communicate with one another.

1. What do students in your program or department learn how to do?
Militaryrace. "United States Public Health Service". 06/12/07 via
Wikimedia. Public Domain of the United States.
      In my discipline of the Public Health Program, the Environmental and Occupational Health track, students learn about health risk assessments, safety fundamentals, food and drugs in our society, and how to be prepared for a life in the public health field.  The students learn how to improve the state of environmental and community health through teaching, service activities and research. This program will prepare students for the professional practice.  There is specialized training in the recognition, evaluation, and control of health hazards.  The course work is designed to provide us with comprehensive knowledge of chemical, physical, and biological sources of exposure, material toxicity, legal and professional health standards, and engineering and administrative methods for achieving safe and healthful environments for the public.

2.  What do people who get degrees in this field usually go on to do for work?
       People who get degrees in Public Health have a multitude of options after graduation.  There are some people who go to graduate school, nursing school, or even medical school right after graduation.  If you want to actually stay in the field of public health some examples of jobs that are available include: doing consultant work for disease prevention, conducting air quality sampling and surveying, serving in the Peace Corps, going into the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), working as a research assistance with a nonprofit organization, or a research scientist for the state, and so so many more.

3.  What drew you to this field?
      I came to college thinking that I wanted to do nursing.  However after talking to many different kinds of people all over the campus, I discovered the field of public health and I kind of fell in love with it.  The prerequisites of the major are all of the basic science courses that I wanted to take again anyways and I learned that it was a good major if I wanted to go into Occupational Therapy.  Learning about helping others in your community and around the world was something that just really inspired me to complete all the pre-reqs so that I could apply.  A lot of the people that I talked to who recommended that I research this major were the kind of people that I could see myself working alongside in the future.

4. Name three of the leaders/most exciting people involved in this field right now in 2016. Why are they interesting or exciting to you? These could be individual people or specific companies, organizations, businesses or non-profits. Hyperlink us to a homepage professional website for each person, if possible.

  •      Professor Tord Kjellstrom:  He has worked at the World Health Organization (WHO) for 8 years as the epidemiologist.  He focuses his research on lead, cadmium and mercury poisoning; asbestos cancer; air pollution; traffic accidents; road transport; urbanization; globalization; sustainability; health indicators; and health equity. Kjellstrom is just researching things that are all over the place, yet they all work to help the better the health of the world.  He is just so impressive and inspiring to me.  Not that I want to research road transport or air pollution, it is great to know that there are people who are researching it so that the world will be better off from their efforts. 
  • The International Conference of Public Health: This is an organization that started only two years ago.  It will be held in Sri Lanka in July of 2016.  This committee devotes itself to supply the attendees updated information related to public health all around the world.  It was created to bridge the gap between research and policy in order to create a global platform to discuss evidence based health policies and interventions in public health.  I think that this is so incredible.  The world is working together to improve the health of multiple countries.  
  • McKinsey & Company:  Michael Conway and Adam Sabow (both directors of the company) work with leading healthcare institutions and funding bodies to improve health outcomes for the people in the greatest need globally.  They act in partnership with foundations, governments, bilateral and multilateral agencies, and healthcare companies to address urgent public healthcare challenges affecting some of the world's poorest and most vulnerable communities.  In the past 5 years, they have undertaken over 440 public health projects in more than 35 countries.  I find this also incredibly inspiring.  The whole reason why I want to do public health is to learn how to help the health of the world.  This company does exactly that. 

5. What are the names of three leading academic/scholarly journals in your field? Where are they published? Give us the names and locations of at least 3. 
  • American Journal of Public Health : This is published in Washington D.C. and has been around for almost 100 years.  
  • Elsevier: This is published in the United Kingdom, mainly in London and Scotland.  However, there are a multitude of people involved in this journal from all over the world.  There are some editors from Hong Kong, Australia, the United States, Switzerland, and even Sweden.  
  • Journal of Public Health Research: This is published online from Pavia, Italy however it is an Open-Access journal on the internet so it can be peer-reviewed from anywhere in the world. 

My Interviewees on Social Media

In this blog post, I will be searching all over the internet for the two people that I interviewed: Dr. Sydney Pettygrove and Yvonne Bueno.

1.What are the names of each interviewee and which social media networks were you able to find each of them on?

Dr. Sydney Pettygrove's Social Media:
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
Yvonne Bueno's Social Media:
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest

2. How would you describe each interviewee's social media presence? What kinds of things are they talking about or sharing on social media? Write a brief description of what you learned about them through the listed social media feeds.

      In Dr. Pettygrove's Facebook, I found that she posts a lot of pictures of her traveling and of her with her family.  There were a few posts about mental health a gun regulations, marriage equality, and one about the Congressmen of the US.  Other than that, it was pretty bland and simple.  I learned that family seems to be very important to her as is mental health. Her LinkedIn was not very full of information from what I could see without having a LinkedIn account.  It just made her seem very professional and had her listed as an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Arizona.  

Anoka County Library. "Facebook-logo".  02/03/12 via Flickr.
Creative Commons Generic License. 
     In Yvonne Bueno's Facebook, I found a lot of pictures of family as well.  There were pictures of her graduating from her Master's program at the University of Arizona and her friends.  She posted the link to the interview that she conducted for the Tucson Medical Center. It was pretty normal and there was nothing that was inappropriate at all.  Her LinkedIn was also very professional and informative.  She included her past education and her past jobs.  She also explained what she is doing now with her Doctorate program and her teaching position at the University of Arizona. 

3. Now return to the piece that this author published in the academic journal (from Blog Posts 6.2). How does their persona on social media differ from their persona in the pages of the academic journal? Be specific and cite details from both the journal and the social media posts you discovered.
Palma. Marcela. "linkedin-logo-white". 01/31/14 via Flickr.
Creative Commons NonCommercial Generic License. 

The differences between Dr. Pettygrove's social media and her academic publications are pretty noticeable.  Her Facebook is casual and not anything too out there.  So compared to her research papers, where there is a higher level of education needed to understand what it is that she is talking about, her Facebook is for all audiences and shows her actual personality.  However, in the research publications, her persona comes off as very professional and educated.  The vocabulary is completely different and from reading those publications, one wouldn't be able to tell what kind of person she was outside of her research.  For example, in her publication of ASD diagnostic tests, she would not bring up the vacation that she spent with her family.  

The differences between Yvonne Bueno's social media and her publications are not as noticeable because Yvonne comes off as a professional in her Facebook and LinkedIn profiles but also comes off with the same persona in her interview and her lectures.  In her lectures and her interviews, she does not mention her family or her friends, however she still comes off as a sweet person in her professional work.  Her lectures are more personable and isn't completely impossible to understand what she is saying because of her use of scientific vocabulary.  In addition, her LinkedIn profile is very professional but seems to be easy-going as well.  I think that her social media and her professional publications both show the real person that is doing the behind the scenes work.  

My Interviewees as Professional Writers

This blog post will cover what Bueno and Pettygrove write about and what they publish in their professions. 

  1. Give us the name of each interviewee and write a short summary of the kinds of professional publications they've authored (according to their website, CV and/or other easily findable online resources that list their publications). You don't need to include all the bibliographic information for their publications, just the basic facts.
Blumenthal, Roy.  "Research Strategy Design". 07/28/08 via Flicker.
Creative Commons Generic Public License. 
Yvonne Bueno, the doctorate student/ College of Public Health instructor/ Pediatric Occupational Therapist has not had anything that has been published.  She has lectures for her classes that she teaches that would be available to her students and the Dean of the College of Public Health, but they are not accessible to people like me who are not taking her class.  Also, she has professional documents for each of her patients that she has to create each time she meets with someone.  But those cannot be published for confidentiality reasons.  She has not yet started her dissertation for her Doctorate School so that is also not published.  

Dr. Sydney Pettygrove is a published author however.  One of the many publications that she has co-authored in 2009 is called the "Changes in Diagnostic Testing Practices for the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in Four US Populations".  She has also co-authored "Age and Use of The Early Classification of The Autism Spectrum Disorders (Asds) In Multiple Areas of the United States" which was published in London, England in 2008.  She currently has co-authored  "Changes in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Prevalence in Four Areas of the United States" that has been submitted for publication.  As you can probably tell, Pettygrove focuses on Autism in children, so that is what all of her publications will mainly cover.  

2.  Track down a few of their publications online. Be sure to examine at least two different publications by each interviewee (and hyperlink us to the two examples for each). What professional genres has each interviewee written in? Explain how these genres differ from each other, according to conventions, formatting, techniques, content, and anything else that seems relevant to describe.

This was an interview that Yvonne Bueno did with Rachel H. Miller at Tucson Medical Center, April 24, 2014.  In the interview, Bueno answered questions about what it is that she does as a Pediatric Occupational Therapist here in Tucson.  In this, Yvonne Bueno used her voice as the genre.  In order to sound professional for the interview but speak in a way using terms that the audience would understand, she had to really understand her audience and the context of what she was going to answer with before saying it.  

The other "publication" of sorts that Bueno has are her lectures for her classes that she teaches at the University of Arizona, but they aren't for people not in her classes to see.  These lectures are about Personal Health and Wellness for the CPH 178 class.  The differences between these two genres are that the interview is not necessarily prepared for.  Unlike the lecture, Yvonne won't know what questions will be asked, so she has to be ready to answer anything in a professional manner.  These genres are both similar however, in the techniques that she uses to approach the audiences appropriately.  Both audiences are not necessarily very well informed of the information that Bueno is presenting to them.  So, she has to make sure that she is not speaking at a higher level of knowledge than the audience can reach.  She has to speak on their level of education in the topics. 

One publication of  Dr. Sydney Pettygrove, "Changes in Diagnostic Testing Practices for the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in Four US Populations"was conducted in the 2009 International Meeting for Autism Research so the genre of this publication is a scientific essay.  In this publication that Pettygrove co-authored, she researches the different tools that are used to diagnose different Autism disorders.  

The other publication of Dr. Pettygrove, "Age and Use of The Early Classification of The Autism Spectrum Disorders (Asds) In Multiple Areas of the United States" was conducted in the 2008 International Meeting for Autism Research.  This is the same genre as the publication above.  Dr. Sydney Pettygrove researched with other scientists on the varying ages of children developing Autism Spectrum Disorder.  

The only real difference between the genres of these two publications are the dates or publication and the context of these documents.  The importance of knowing the audience for these types of publications is that the people who read these articles are most likely scientists in similar fields of study and understand the technical terms that are used in the piece and have a good amount of background information to fully understand the research that was done in both pieces.  The conventions are formal and scientific, meaning that they are concise and not wordy.  

3. What is the context surrounding the two different pieces published by each of your interviewees? (See the bulleted questions on Student's Guide page 180 for specific questions about context). Cite specific details from the pieces in your answers.

Bueno #1:
Date: April 24, 2014
Medium: Interview that was posted online through the Tucson Medical Center.  The rules that Bueno had to follow included making clear and understandable statements for people who weren't all that educated on the subject matter. 
Events: The fact that Yvonne Bueno graduated college with a BS in Occupation Therapy and has worked in the field for 18 years are both things that have shaped the author's views on the need for children to get help from an occupational therapist if that is something that they need in their lives. 
Social/Historical elements: The rise of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United States is a social movement that is related to the topic of Occupational Therapy and its importance in the child's life and the lives of the family members affected by it.  
Culture/Linguistic elements: The backgrounds of the audiences could be all different kinds of people.  However, it seems that the only people that would actually be reading about this article are those who are wondering if an Occupational Therapist is something that they believe their child needs.  They might not know much about disorders in children like that of ASD, and they may not know what a job as an Occupational Therapist entails.  
Surroundings: The city of this publication was in Tucson, Arizona.  It is for the clients or potential clients of those that may be investigating the OT section of Tucson Medical Center. 
Other texts: Anything that relates to the importance of helping your child by making an appointment with an Occupational Therapist to better their lives.  Any article that describes what this kind of therapist does to assist your child would relate to this interview that was done by Yvonne Bueno.  
Hepingting. "Autism 25". 12/27/10 via Flicker. Creative
Commons Generic Public License. 

Bueno #2:
Date: any date from 1/17/16-5/4/16
Medium: Any lecture done by Yvonne Bueno for the College of Public Health class 178 -Personal Health and Wellness.
Events: Since Bueno is getting her Doctorate in Public Health and is learning public health classes too, she understands how to get information out to students who have not learned this information before.  She has an understanding of what it feels like to be a student as well as a teacher. 
Social/Historical elements: Public Health has become more prevalent in the lives of everybody since the early 2000s so it is important for Bueno to get the information across well. 
Culture/Linguistic elements: The backgrounds of the audiences for her lectures are students who are starting their path in the public health fields.  Some of the information that Yvonne is presenting to the students will be brand new information and some won't be.  So for that reason, she has to be able to reach out to both audiences by going enough in depth for those who already know the information and want to learn more, while also making sure the basic information is being processed by those who aren't as familiar with the subject.  
Surroundings: These lectures take place in the lecture halls of Drachman Hall, where the College of Public Health is located.  
Other texts: The textbook that may have been written for this class would be another good source of the same information that Yvonne Bueno is presenting with her lectures.  

Pettygrove #1:
Date:  This research analysis was published in 2009.
Medium: This is a research/ conference paper that Pettygrove co-authored on the changes in diagnostic testing for ASD in four different US populations. 
Events: Pettygrove and her colleagues researched and worked in Maricopa County looking for answers to the specific question that was given to them.  
Social/Historical elements: Since ASD has become increasingly common among young children all over the United States, it is important for educated scientists to conduct research on this problem and try to figure out the ways to better the situation or find a way to prevent it. 
Culture/Linguistic elements: The people who are most likely going to be reading this conference paper will be educated people in the subject matter of Autism Spectrum Disorder.  People who don't know much about the subject probably would not be interested to read it, or they might not understand exactly what they were researching and analyzing. 
Surroundings: None of the websites that I have found this publication on have said where this was published.  But the scientists worked on the research in Maricopa County in Arizona. 
Other texts: "Diagnostic Testing Practices for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Four US Populations" is also co-authored by Dr. Pettygrove, and is about a very similar topic.  

Pettygrove #2:
Date: This second publication was published in 2008.
Medium:Just like the previous publication, this is a research/conference paper that Pettygrove co-authored.  This publication is "Age and Use of The Early Classification of The Autism Spectrum Disorders (Asds) In Multiple Areas of the United States". 
Events: Pettygrove and her colleagues researched and worked in Maricopa County looking for answers to the specific question that was given to them.
Social/Historical elements: Since ASD has become increasingly common among young children all over the United States, it is important for educated scientists to conduct research on this problem and try to figure out the ways to better the situation or find a way to prevent it. 
Culture/Linguistic elements:The people who are most likely going to be reading this conference paper will be educated people in the subject matter of Autism Spectrum Disorder.  People who don't know much about the subject probably would not be interested to read it, or they might not understand exactly what they were researching and analyzing.
Surroundings: This was published in London, England in 2008.  
Other texts:"Diagnostic Testing Practices for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Four US Populations" is also co-authored by Dr. Pettygrove, and is about a very similar topic. 

4. What is the overall message of each piece? How did you decide this? Cite specific details from the pieces in your answers. 

Bueno #1: The message of this interview is that Occupational Therapists are necessary for children who have any mental disorders of physical issues that are keeping them from living a normal life.  "When delays or challenges in any Occupational Therapy related skill area/s are identified, OT’s provide intervention through therapeutic play, modifying the environment, or adapting the activity to promote a child’s best functional performance" (Bueno).  This is the message because Bueno is telling the interviewee what OT is all about and why it is important. 

Bueno #2: The message of these lectures is that Personal Health and Wellness is an important building block for the beginning of Public Health and all of the many fields that it can lead to. There isn't a specific piece that can be cited because I do not have access to her lecture materials. 
Pettygrove #1: The message of this publication is that diagnosis of ASD is changing and sufficient research needs to be conducted to make sure that those tests are accurate. "Practice parameters recommend the use of standardized tools when considering an ASD diagnosis, although little research has been done to characterize the use of these tools in large populations. "

Pettygrove #2:The message of this publication is that ASD needs to be classified at a young age so that the family and the child can learn to cope with the disability.  "Despite the importance of early identification of children with an ASD, the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network found a median age of diagnosis between 4.5 and 5.5 years of age in 2000 and 2002 in multiple areas of the United States." 

5. What purpose is each piece trying to achieve? Cite specific details from the pieces in your answers. 

Bueno #1: The purpose of the interview is to encourage parents to allow their children to have the opportunity of seeing an Occupational Therapist and allowing the children to play while also getting help coping with their disability. "The primary occupation of children IS play". 

Bueno #2: The purpose of the lecture is to inform the students what Personal Health and Wellness involves. It is to teach the students the basic principles of leading a healthy lifestyle. Once again, there is nothing here to cite. 

Pettygrove #1: The purpose of this 2009 publication is to show the research and the analysis that she and her colleagues completed.  In the publication, it says, "The objective is to characterize changes in the use of ASD diagnostic tools." 

Pettygrove #2: The purpose of this 2008 publication of the conference paper is to carefully write out what she and her colleagues did for the experiment, what the conclusions where, and what the objective was.  The objective is to "Provide a follow-up on the age of ASD diagnosis from four sites." 

My Interview Subjects

In this blog post, I will be discussing the women I am interviewing, what I asked them, and what their background entails that led me to interviewing them.

  •  The names of the two people you're scheduled to interview for Project 2 
I am scheduled to interview two women that are in the field of Public Health and involved in children's health.  One of them is Yvonne Bueno and the other is Dr. Sydney Pettygrove.
  • The names of the organization(s) your interviewees work for, as well as their job titles
Yvonne Bueno is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist at Tucson Medical Center, a school Occupational Therapist in the Catalina Foothills School District, and an instructor at the University of Arizona for the College of Public Health 178 class. 

Dr. Sydney Pettygrove is a professor at the University of Arizona.  Specifically, she is the head of the Epidemiology department in the College of Public Health. 

  • Any higher education degree that your interviewees hold and the names of the institutions that issued them
Yvonne Bueno received her BS from University of Southern California in Occupational Therapy, her Masters in Social Sciences from University of Colorado at Denver, and is finishing up her Doctorate in Public Health at the University of Arizona.

Dr. Sydney Pettygrove
Sydney Pettygrove received her undergrad at Berkeley with a BS in zoology. She then got into Johns Hopkins for her PhD in Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology.

  • How many years your interviewees have worked in the field professionally
Yvonne Bueno has been in the field of Occupational Therapy professionally for 18 years.

Sydney Pettygrove has been working as a Professor at the University of Arizona for about 20 years.  She has only worked here since getting her PhD.
    • The date, time & location of your scheduled interview
    I interviewed Yvonne Bueno on Monday, February 22nd at 3pm in the Environmental and Natural Resources Part 2 Building.

    I interviewed Dr. Pettygrove on Friday, February 26th at 12pm in her office at Drachman hall.

    • A list of 8 to 12 interview questions (for each interviewee) that are written to specifically reflect the interviewee's background, position and publication history
    Yvonne Bueno's Questions:
    1. How do you handle your multiple jobs and still have time to do writing and preparations for your teaching job?
    2. How does social media help or inhibit your job? 
    3. Which genre do you find to be most used when at your pediatric OT job?
    4. Do you still struggle with time management? Or have you found a schedule that works for you?
    5. How important is it to know the audience that your writing for?
    6. Which of your jobs do you find has the most writing involved in it?
    7. What is the most important thing to remember when trying to communicate with parents of your clients?
    8. Did your schooling prepare you for the different types of writing and the amount of writing you deal with on a daily basis?
    Dr. Sydney Pettygrove's questions:
    1. What is it like to be a published author?
    2. What are your schooling credentials and did they prepare you well for all that you do now?
    3. How do you find time to do research and teach throughout the year?
    4. Do you have to travel for your research?
    5. Is it hard to work with multiple people for your research? Or does it make the workload easier?
    6. How have you continued to stay interested in epidemiology, teaching the same course for multiple years?
    7. Where was your first job and what did it entail?
    8. How long does it take you to write a research grant?
    9. Do you still find writing to be difficult?

    Thursday, February 18, 2016

    Brutally Honest Self-Assessment

    This is me being brutally honest about how I feel.  I am going to speak the truth and nothing but the truth.  I am going to speak my mind and tell you exactly how I feel about finishing this project.

    1. How are you feeling about the project you just submitted for assessment? Give me your raw, unvarnished opinion of your own project overall.
          I am just going to go right out and say it, I worked damn hard on this assessment and I put my best efforts into it.  I think that if I read this article about the vaccinations, I would find it super informative and easy to understand for someone who doesn't know anything about the subject.  I feel really confident about the work that I submitted.  I definitely would not be feeling so confident about my work had I not put as much work and time into perfecting it.

    Schwartz, Barry.  "Pinocchio". 02/16/11 via Flicker.
    Creative Commons Noncommercial Generic License. 
    2. What are the major weaknesses of the project you submitted? Explain carefully how and why you consider these elements to be weak or under-developed.
         I think that the only weaknesses of the project that I submitted are the amount of pictures that I included in the document.  I only had three because the pictures online that were for public use were extremely limited.  I didn't want some random picture of a nurse from the 40's so I could not include as many as I had originally wanted.  I think that pictures are very important for keeping the reader's attention and separating the wordiness a bit.

    3. What are the major strengths of the project you submitted? Explain carefully how and why you consider these elements to be strong or well-developed.
         I think that the organization and format of the QRG is one of the major strengths in my document.  I really tried to model it off of the examples that were posted on D2L.  The blank space that I included was strong in my opinion.  I also think that the chronology of the story that I told was well-developed.  The chronology is important to have down correctly because if the story is not told in the correct order, the information can be skewed and the reader will be left with incorrect information.  I also think that the sub headlines are a strong part of the document.  It is good for the separation of information and the organization as a whole.

    4. What do you think of how you practiced time management for Project 1? Did you put enough time and effort into the project? Did you procrastinate and wait till the last minute to work on things? Share any major time management triumphs or fails....
           I definitely started off this project with the thought that I was going to drown in blog posts.  And for a while I was drowning.  I was underwater for a while there, however, in the production week, somehow I discovered a system and now I don't feel like the time management should be too much a problem for me.  My problem was not that I didn't leave enough time to write my first draft, but that I felt like once I finished one blog post, I didn't even make a dent in the amount of entries I had to do.  I definitely felt like this project was going to be the death of me, but guess what?! I made it! I'm alive! And what's even better is that I feel like I really did a good job on this project.  I am surprised that I got through everything, but it just really took some planning and good time management skills to get through all of the work.

    Local Revision: Variety

    This blog post is going to review my syntax and how it varies throughout the document.

    1. How much variation is there in your sentence structures in the current draft? Can you spot any repetitive or redundant sentence patterns in your writing? Provide a cogent analysis of what the Rules for Writers reading tells you about your sentences.
         I think that there is a good amount of variation in my document.  I tried my best to vary my sentence structure because it used to be an issue present in my writing.  I try to switch up the length of my sentences so that the reader does not get bored while reading my article. I think that it is important to keep concise sentences that just simply state information rather than have long sentences that ramble on, much like this one.  I have always had a rambling problem, so I really need to make sure that the sentences in the document are not too lengthy.  If the sentences get too long, the reader can easily get confused and the information can come off as skewed to them.

    2. What about paragraph structures, including transitions between different paragraphs (or, for video/audio projects, different sections of the project)?
          I think that this is one of the best organizational aspects of my QRG that I included.  I spaced out each paragraph so the information didn't come off as one giant block of words that might scare the reader into not wanting to spend his/her time with it.  In addition to the white spaces that I included, I also added subtitles or headers to introduce the topic of each section.  This was an important aspect of the document because if the reader was just skimming, they would be able to easily locate the section of information they wanted to find more out about.
    Coghlin, Michael. "Vocabulary Lover". 11/22/12 via Flicker.
    Creative Commons Generic License.   

    3. What about vocabulary? Is there variety and flavor in your use of vocabulary? What are the main strengths and weaknesses of the draft's approach to vocabulary?
         My vocabulary has never really been a good part of my writing, however I tried to use a thesaurus so that I wouldn't repeat the same words over and over again.  Especially with the word vaccination, support, and oppose, I really tried to incorporate other synonyms for those words so that my paragraphs don't blend together and bore the reader with the repetition.  I think that there is a decent amount of variety and flavor in my use of vocabulary.  However, like I said earlier, the main weaknesses of my approach to vocabulary is that I don't have a strong vocabulary background, so the thesaurus is my best friend.  Although in some cases, the thesaurus gives bad options for replacement words.  So in those cases, repetition seems to be inevitable.

    Local Revision: Pronoun Usage

    This is going to be a follow up post to the long list of pronouns that I posted in the blog entry earlier.

    1. Based on your analysis, how effective is your pronoun usage in Project 1? What does actively examining your pronoun usage tell you about your writing style?
      I think that I don't use as many pronouns as I usually do when I write.  I specifically tried my best to avoid using pronouns and simply focus on being clear about what or who I was writing about.  However, after reading my long list of pronouns that I actually ended up using throughout my project, I realized that there is still room for improvement.  I think that I need to continue to work towards cutting out useless pronouns and just use the word of what it is that I am trying to describe.  Not only would that help my readers when they are reading, but it would significantly help the flow of my writing in general.  I know that I tend to ramble, so pronouns tend to get stuck in those rambling instances.  So, I need to be aware of when I am doing that so that I can look out for any unnecessary pronouns in my writing.

    Hunt, Tara. "Audience". 09/09/13 via Flicker.
    Creative Commons Generic License.  
    2. Are there any instances in your project where you speak to or refer directly to the audience? If so, how effective are these moments at creating a bond or connection between audience and author? If not, why not? Explain why you're choosing to leave your audience out of your writing. There's nothing wrong with that, per se, but you should be able to give a sophisticated explanation of your choices.

         There was one instance when I said you, but I decided that I didn't like the way that it sounded when I read over it.  I thought that it was more appropriate to leave the audience out of the article and just let them suck in the information without the content getting in the way of that.  I don't think that the author should be directly speaking to the reader, but I noticed that my writing style has a sort of trust with the reader.  I allow some humor and a bit more of my own voice shine through which in a way connects me to the reader.  However, I really did try to keep the "yous" out of the document.  As I said before, the information is the most important part of the document-not the relationship that I have or don't have with the reader.

    My Pronouns

          In this blog entry, I am going to list all of the pronouns that I used in my project 1 draft and I am going to specify what the pronoun is referring to.  This will really help me clear up any confusing sentences throughout the document and more clearly say what I want to by getting rid of a lot of the unnecessary pronouns.

    -this (the document)
    -this (vaccination)
    -this (vaccination)
    -them (people not getting vaccinated)
    ClckerFreeVectorImages. "Man Looking Words Book Black". 2016 via Pixabay.
     Creative Commons Generic Public License. 
    -them (the health of the people who do get vaccinated)
    -this (information)
    -this (disagreement)
    -these (anti-immunization people)
    -those (113 people with measles in Disneyland)
    -this (Disneyland measles outbreak)
    -this (bill SB277)
    -them (children)
    -this (bill)
    -this (bill)
    -this (bill)
    -this (bill)
    -they (parents)
    -they (parents)
    -they (those against vaccinations)
    -he (Senator Joel Anderson)
    -they (people of California)
    -it (US government)
    -it (vaccinating)
    -they (California Nurses for Ethical Standards)
    -them (the nurses)
    -she (Dr. Stacia Kenet Lansman)
    -she (Dr. Stacia Kenet Lansman)
    -those (people anti-vaccination)
    -these (three stakeholders who made claims for the anti-vaccination side)
    -they (politicians)
    -this (statement from Dr. Tanya Altmann)
    -those (the ten vaccinations required in SB277)
    -he (Senator Richard Pan)
    -this (bill)
    -she (Prof. Dorit Reiss)
    -she (Prof. Dorit Reiss)
    -they (California politicians)
    -it (SB277)
    -she (Prof. Dorit Reiss)
    -they (anti-vaccination group)
    -those (the people that support immunizing children)

    Wednesday, February 17, 2016

    Local Revision: Passive and Active Voice

          In this blog post, you'll see all of my verbs again, however this time they will be separated into Active and Passive Voice.  The active voice will be divided into 2 separate categories: specific for vivid and descriptive verbs, and then general for boring, non-descriptive verbs.  

    -missing                                                          -broke                                            -has been  
    - is                                                                    defend                                           -have come
    - looking                                                          -contaminating                             -have been         
     -do                                                                   -carrying                                      -were created 
    -help                                                                -prove                                         -was retracted
    - does                                                               -attend                                         -were vaccinated 
    - put                                                                 -prohibit                                      -were removed
    -do                                                                   - required                                     -will lead 
    -could                                                               -improve                                     -have made
    - pass                                                                - support                                      -are chosen
    -help                                                                 -signed                                         -have opposed
    -mean                                                                -claimed                                      -have been
    -can                                                                   -agree                                         -will lead
    -pick                                                                 -wanted                                       -have put
    -feel                                                                  -recommends                             -were looking
    -have                                                                 -qualifies                                    -have signed
    - came                                                               -"grandfathering"                       -will become
    - says                                                                -oppose                                        -have become
    - see                                                                  -continue                                      -has proven
    -caused                                                             -disagree
    -done                                                                 -violated
    - found                                                              -believe
      "Megaphone shouting voice loud man" .
    2016 via PixaBay.  Creative
    Commons Generic License. 
    -do                                                                    -questions
    - are                                                                  -decided
    -put                                                                   -discriminates
    - have                                                               -practice 
    - notes                                                              -argues 
    - get                                                                 -helping 
    - does                                                             -choosing
    -wanted                                                           -support
    -saying                                                           -signed
                                                                          - taking
    1. Looking at the breakdown of my verb choices here, what do I notice about my current draft? Are the actions in my piece mostly general, vague or non-specific? Are the actions mostly vivid and specific? Are there instances of passive voice? Summarize what I learned by analyzing my verb usage in this way.
               I noticed that my current draft includes a good amount of specific active voice verbs.   I think that this is important because instead of using boring verbs to explain something, the specific active voice verbs bring out emotion and a description of the scenario.  There are also a good amount of general active voice verbs as well, however, it seems that the specific active voice verbs overpower those of the general category.  I purposefully tried to include good choices of verbs in my piece because it brings a sense of energy to the document.  So I think that the QRG includes a lot of vivid and specific verbs.
                The instances where I included passive voice were describing things that happened in the past or are a descriptive verb of something that people do/have done/ are known to do in the past. I think that including all different types of verbs are important for the story to flow, however I think that specific active voice is the most important to include most frequently.

    2. Based on this analysis, how could my use of verbs be improved overall in the project? Be specific and precise in explaining this.
              I think that I could use a thesaurus more often for overused verbs.  Especially those that are overused in the active specific voice.  In order for the verb to be vivid and descriptive, it would really help enhance the use of the verb if it wasn't used as often. That would help to bring the emotions of the reader along without repetition of the same emotionless verb used throughout the document.  I also think that I should try to remove as much passive voice from my document as possible, so that the flow of the verbage is good and not messy with transitions of too many different tenses.